Show by W L driver for a pittsburg oil ia company it was said yesterday by a maii man who is connected with the well ineil boring operations that the row flow bof of gas from the hole was not less ithan than cubic feet a day there has been no question about obtaining gas in this field in commercial quantities tho the new now company Is going after the gas in the first instance as anaid an aid to its operations of i which oil is the objective feature the gas will bo be piped to the place where the oil well Is to be driven and wid will i be used for fuel lio to produce steam for i driving the machinery it Is believed to be the intention t to 0 cap this first gat gu well while others are being driven in the same locality should more wells as good as this be opened a pipe line will bo be run to the city tho the product doubtless being sold to one or both of the gas companies already in the business of ot supplying it ito to consumers i great cathedral and thence went to paris and london the immortal writing voltaire and rosseau have been the first cause of the uprising against the church in france he lie said the oriental lodge of freemasonry which abhors the name of god and detests deesta the ten commandments mand ments and which objects to all religious belief was another factor chich alch led to the Im unpleasant pleasant state of affairs existing there many of the french people are still christians but the enemies of the church and of the faith are more active than those that are friendly to religion the universal conscription law prevailing in france has also been a factor in this dissatisfaction with the church the two or three years of immoral life in the barracks to which the youth of the land is subjected has a strong tendency to break down the inherent sense of morality and religious responsibility |