Show JUVENILE COURT power to inflict a fine la to BA tested the peace of tha juvenile court haai been disturbed A father ot a hoy arrested and fined or haa demanded that the fine ba lawful and the sentence being entirely out of the power 0 tha juvenile judge to inflict tho case ie that 0 edward toon he and two other boys at north og den were looking through the windo of the dance hall during an evening of they annoyed tha dancers during the disturbance young toone was pulled through tha glass window the probation officer at north arrested the boys brought them bedora judas patton who fined each boy a the moni ey was paid and the incident alpar antly ended when the father of young toona vrho absent when the fine was am posed returned he investigated diac bons case after reading tho ordinance governing tha power of tha juvenile judge he decided the juven lie judge had no authority toi a fine on anyone within the uon of tho court toone came to judge patton ae jacded back the paid one and was promptly refused toone asserts thad ne alli make a test casa of the in order to determine specifically the rights of the judge the ordinance delegating power to the juvenile court officers states that boys or girls may be committed to ft house of correction or the reform school or to any other place provider by the state tor but it ia silent on the subject of fines whether to impose a fine on a boy under 1 years is lawful is to toe determined |