Show christians are to be slaughtered by turks NAVAL demonstration london nov 24 the foreign office informed ahe associated press today that the porte having refused to accede to the demands of the powers the naval demonstration will proceed the matter now belne in the hands ot tho naval commanders i warships are moving paris nov 24 it is stated in official quarters here that the exchanges ot communications be tween tha powers turkeys answer to their ultimatum have in tha practical determination not to consider the answer as postponing the naval demonstration which will proceed without further parley it la understood der stood that the warships ot tn powers are already from Pie their objective Is not yet definitely stated but the illana ot mitylene Ml tylene still appears to be tha objective applicable to the situation constantinople nov as via sofia bulgaria nov 24 the sultans reply to the demand 0 the powers is not only a categorical rejection 0 the demands hut contains thinly threats that the pressure of europe will possibly excite th turkish population to reprisals on the christiana the communication states that the turkish government finds it absolutely to accept financial control ot macedonia as it would violate the sultans sovereignty after agreeing to the prolongation odthe mandates of the foreign civil agents the aole concludes con eludes it the powers increase th pressure in order to compel the acceptance of the control scheme the imperial government declines all ty for the consequences which may arise from the discontent among tire public the foreign representatives representative a are considering si the question ot the number of here to protect citizens of their nationalities baron marschall von the german ambassador has agnan urgently represented to the authorities tho advisability of accepting tho powers demands and to thus prevent disagreeable consequences |