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Show - -. ju RAILROAD DINING CARS ARE PRAISED Salt Lake, Aug. 5 All of the railroad rail-road dining cars passing through tho state of Utali ha've been inspected and found to conform to the Utah dairy and food laws In nearly every respect, re-spect, according to an' announcement made yesterday by the state dairy and food dcpartmenL According to the report of the food officials 'better sanitary conditions prevail generally in the dining cars thans arc to bo found in the restaurants restau-rants of the various parts of the state. "One reason for this," said Holier C. Smith, chief deputy dairy and food commissioner, "is that the dining cars have leas workng spac, in which to prepare and servo meals. This has led to a perfect system, so that no matter what time of day an inspector enters tho car, everything is found to be in perfect order. The 6ecret of tno success lies in having one place for everything, and everything in its proper place all the time. In manv of the restaurants it Is different, confusion con-fusion prevailing before and after meal times. "Railroad officials are always willing will-ing and anxious to assist in bettering the present conditions. When a suggestion sug-gestion is made by the department, an effort is immediately made to comply com-ply with the request In this respect dining car conditions are constantly Improving. New' cars are replacing the old ones, and the equlpmentis such as to permit of sanitary conditions condi-tions that were not possible a few years ago." All of the dining cars passing through the state are inspected ly the state department at regular intervals in-tervals throughout the year. |