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Show MING IN Strikebreaker Is Beaten Insensible by Strike Sympathizers Dcs Moines, Aug. 5. Walter Emmons Em-mons of Chicago, a strikebreaker was attacked by a crowd of union strikers at second and Walnut streets at 11 o clock. Tho police fought the crowd. Before they could icacue Kniraons ho was beaten Into unconsciousness and was sent to the hospital -In a critical condition. . Rioting In the downtown streets, the burning In efligy of Manager J. !R. Harrlgan an.l demonstrations a?ain3t strikebreakers and I ouls J. Christiansen Christian-sen of Chicago, their leader, atfende.l the inauguration of the strike of nearly near-ly 500 employes of tho railway. Fivo men, Including a detective and a police po-lice officer, sustained injuries during the rots. Tratlic has been susponded on every line In the city, no car having been moved since I 15 o'clock this morning, morn-ing, when the union men walked out There was no official car service last night and thousanls of persons' walked miles to their homes. Strikebreakers -were at the various barns thlB morning to take clirs, but were met bv Btrlke sympathizers. The latter appeared to le retfdy for tho trouble and the company management was slow about attempting to resume the interrupted traffic. At 4 o'clock union sympathizers attacked at-tacked the 24th street barn and wrecked a car inside Windows were smashed and sashes and doors dragged from their irames. R. W., a local employe, was seriously hurt. The police finally restored ordor City Detective Thomas Denholtn was seriouslv hurt with a brick .while trying to disperse the crowd at tho kirkwood hotel tdls morning. An effort ef-fort was belne made to locate Louis J Christian, tho strikebreaker, who is registered at the hotel and the mob swarmei Into the lobbv and up to tho upper floors. Two platoons of polico arrived In automobiles and tho crowd left hurriedly, lator to attempt to throw a street car into the river. Cries of "Down with Harrlgan'" "Beat up the strikebreakers!" and "Stick to tho union!" were heard on every hand as the mob surged in the streets The effigy of Manager Ilarrigan was burned in front of the street car waiting wait-ing rooms |