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Show in Europcanpolitics; cwYears 'T)ay hasbccomdfla-evcntful epoch., JUq Em-perdrVhbrt Em-perdrVhbrt nndplth reply toTHho trmtif.Embassadbt's ' cdugi-utulatipir iu 1850y ct the wbd?p.of;Eurdpe'b'd ti& j'ta vice. i;'Jn;ion'bi:'yc4"r,,'B ruiicswerp ,faisedt ' battles .wwdTfoiiglt' add 'usiriSi-ivds : whipped;i:pat ofIipinb'hrdy,flud..,btber ; "etfe'lerdt branchiug.onl tli6rcfrom fbllbwed. ' utjth'ebusiifes's; iiiidoftlcd.nu(t4hP . iirt bf !JnBaryIsttW.S looked; fdrwaftl : td'wUJrntcre5triiytcVcry.b6dy' . puguratipnpt lioCprecqediug jyeacIiad been aignnlized-by tlib'fiorind iot -pieAvaY ; trnnipctj matiy &eidd.tp ftlUicrpatd"lh.at ttieTpreseiit. year waS'Hkcwisc id bdushcr-cd.:in bdushcr-cd.:in bv a fKiltlo err. Alt sorts of ru mors wcr-niloat. . JXiic. Rope's,. Kniieio was tVwefn-pon the fond or4proiest. 3.1mimperlal rejoiudjir Hvas'tp bcyuivalcnt' id tlm -"delivery' of bis passport r;JiVei;Au8tria?!,was to be snubbed agajndndDuWW talkpf.nhotlierwar.qn 'tficV'bauks'of' the Pp. ,Tiut)pjupifc;4'OuaM of '60 is convertedjnto tljdambrbaal jgdil-'dMovb and pgacd of 1800. b'rodi cputtpsy tdlfic repieu.tati'vo, of Yjgilgjbbj f'thV l!nial Kuucid was. clipseu .td address thp Um -pccoi ts'breiityi.reads'Itb'thp cpiifclu-sion cpiifclu-sion that the wpsMfytomntiqtc lmd,gtVcn Uigi.no latitndo aSrthuir gpdkcBmau. . ' He merely said;-- ,,Sirp-nvOp-tilB first day 6f tlm year, whjeh. issembici. tlio, .diplomatic.; .body around ybijr Majesty. I liavp tlio houor pircoE '.expressing to yQuHhcir good wiShcsvBnd tespbctrnlbo.majgp v l!Xdi)glBlipyte it wboIdJiavo been difficult to concoct. Ills uiajcsty answeE-cd answeE-cd in tho tallowing' manucr; 't thaufcljic i diipldmatip body fpf 'tho pdod wlihtas wbrch they hove addressed to mo irn tH return of'tho Now Ytjdr; mid I am particularly happy this time to bayo (he opiidrtttufty of remludiugthefmembers composing it,, tha plntio my "accession "to powprrl kyp alwaya professed. ibP Abet est respect fpc ddmittcd rights, Vherc-fpro, Vherc-fpro, bo persuaded;that.thb kmstaiii.objcct or my effdf ts will bo U cveryWhcrb, establish, as itaoch as shall depend ed nici confidencoand poace? . Every rrWcp, Cardinal, Minister, Mar-, shal, Admiral, Grand Chancellor add Go-verndrr Go-verndrr present at tlio "reception, Jnr terpretcd, the speech as it fiuftcu him, aad with, pd doabtmucb pdificattpti, For somptfmp back, ificro. has been a Idck Of barraony in tho tfrcriph .cabinet different vfows being enicrtatned dti the Italian question. Counts Wdlewski" has laid down the portfolio of. JForeigii : Affairs! and M. de'Thadvpnal haljeencnt.for td Cofistantinople to replace Jtim id, Ibo Cabinet; It wag8tatcdin offidaUjuartcrs that thd budget of tho Minister mf Yai for I 60 would be; prepared fof a, strictly pcaco,cstabU?hmctit,.tho rmy bcicg reduced, re-duced, to. less than 400,000 men.. An Imperial order dirficts , that, there shall ,H no loyy pr rccniitsJEiBCO.dnd that no mora than ttip prdindry upmirer of mon .shall bp raised in i80lt A Xaris. cor-respdhdent' cor-respdhdent' pf the - New drk 43,VJ nvntnig1 of tho pamplilet, "Lp papo et JP Gongres."; says; ,'AllOW mo, r $as,tani, to assurp you. that jthe pamphlet is thp wdrfc, of ihP.Tipdmlp, dp Lagncrrdnlerrc, add" that it received, tho imperial sanctipn t-ro its publication, .1 state this, from actual knotvl'cdgc, ati(jl becansq a Kreat." deal pf. uncettalnty seedis to prevail as jrcgnrds ;Uic.authPrshTp; . ;Ydu ,may imagine, better Atintf lcan ajBscriId,;itthd; irtdigndtlod of ;3,?ujsiX5Ct.nt work 1jiat js;':a powerful strpkP'at' ho rpotof his. temporal jidwcri But thp successor .of Su Tpter Is, forced to. curtail any onduo exprcssibd of nujjer;; lie U In Ibo pOTvctr of ,tup. sovereign who i3?determiued tp njd him atr all hazzards. JVprdhe to , act with od tnpcb violence, XpliisJN'npolepp wduld- withdraw' bis sol-, dicrAfrpjnIlbme, pod; Uo;llomans wputd ip.bd;.pu a piost, eu"ictuar;4teKhiuatio?i iltQilm;tempoi'Prpowcr,?bf-bfsViH Sp.tliobppfjms oQjv (huptdhig hiij rcpteseptati VP Jt1cS "Jesuit, iA'dtduclli) Trpht;thdfJCbHgrpss .but .hokndws-njuch better 'tiia.n ,.fb atteinpt suehabravado in- tfip'-racdiof, tbp'Tcal dangerl hayo just jrcfe.fr? cd tpttml.so wp sb'ull iscq 'Ijls. wily dcTegdtp hdrpingaud', icarping at the dpprpaching" meeting jof '4iplbgia"is.;- f -i'K' |