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Show m of tjie f ost $wmi 'irp-.InK BT ACTBOttlWiJ pTFicBRS EtEOTKJ) "TJ V TtljE -This certifies lUat the following perQn weri elected to tb offices opposlU tlich re sptutlvc names by joint voU ot tlic rgitlatiye A&8mbly ot Utah Territory, .pa Wednesday, January W, 1SC0--- -. . (Orsbnil'mtt, en., (JUaucQllor of tbft UnK -reiwlty,. 1 .1 ,,,.0reonHydo;,T1!lVIt 8lenhoujie,,Jos(ph jA ybunE'Jtbbert,Ii' CaWpbelf, OHbcrt (JleinentB, Vlllanf.:JMdJngtbJj;, Claudius V Spencer, Italic Powniab "iJ-BOtt iratt, jr. Octirge J. Taylor, JJamuclAY. Itlcharda and Iaac Uroo, IttRcuUof tho .Unlmslty-TLbmM",lV',.IIe"rleck, .Unlmslty-TLbmM",lV',.IIe"rleck, rfreaurcr of.tBctinlf TDavId Of CdldirTerrltoi W Treaiurer. - -WHIiwa: -Clayton, Auditor of Vubllc Ac --TheoUoro :iIcKeari, Territorial Itoad Cow mifislbneri '' ' " , " . J6briKay,.Terrltorlal Marslial. , ..t,Setl;MlatriA;ttorney Oeneral. c; Jeaae WSmltb, District, Attorney tor the first Judicial .Dfitrict.: - JVm,-. H.'BroattiftcldrDUtHct Attorney Tor the second Judicial' DUtrlct;" " JcMOWi'Fosr, TcrrltbrlaC Surveyor denr CTOl.. .- -: C'Ki c - c.Jttlm Lyon, gtn, Jibratlan. , nViUfarriyIaytonltccprdeir of Mfttkit hod Bmnda".'-'--5. 7 . ; Frederick Ec-letFe-amore iJitlirEbeneef Of Young, Directc'ra of Hio'VejiUeritlary. tiry; -r- ' V ' ' ' tbKnt)'5Ylf Sealer f Welghte and Hea .Ve'Hr.' v"! ' '"- James Ri-.-McOlluBlt Trobat? Judgqr or, Washington County, Qcorpti Bpc'nccr,,fotaTy ruUlo or TXahbig-ton'Conittv.'" TXahbig-ton'Conittv.'" ' ' " ' "Jamcs:Lewi,Trobato Judge for Iron County. araesjit jUatUneaU, Kotary I'uHIc for Iron County,.:. ..... .'Danlisl. Jt. Tltoroagirrohalo Judgetof .Beaver County,- ' -'-- '' Hill T,'' : FrtniB worthj Notary puhllo tor Beaver Upnntyi , - tv . , ' John A3Iny, rrobato: J.udso for milliard CpiVntyvr - ' .Joepli:VJ:BoMnscni, Notary Tublie for Mil lard'CowotyST. ' Oardlncr Bnoyr, rrobatq Judge for i5aa VtU iConntys i Jobn" Eagarr Jfbtary Pulilic for San Pete : Andrew Ixjto, . prolnte Judge for Satb Coimty.. ; .. talon P. Hamblcton. Notary Tubllc for j Juab CountyV Y'.'. ' ! "1 'IterubhabeV SnoSfy Prolate iudgci: forPCeir CountyV'-i ' f-'V r , ,i s . TUolnat.B.iJrIn, Sotary I'uWl ?or - Ceiat County.-; ' J- v' ": '. Silas Smitb..rrVate"jiKlgoforTjith County -auctu.iK.4Scovilt,-Notaity.-TuWlefdt.'Utati Counlyt., ' rX-.--;" ,.-'v ,"' -.. ,- EllasSraltli, Prol'atc'-Judgo'forareai iJalt! :takeCduntyr .T" V", (--'Y',;: ! ;'Jolm Tv Uanc, Notary riiblic for Great vSaft tiito, County; ,--. - .- -'. : ;, Wlliani VtHKlpstory Futile for Great SaltlAkbCoiinty,-- f, --,0: .. . Thomas S, SmUli, Probate 'Judgot for-ibavli: Comityc ';';-'- James! teltIead,i.Notary ipubHol fdr?DavW County;" .C. ,,;-'','-'"-. .? Aaron 1 J'ttrr Trobato JUdgforsVeber : 'County. yv..'': - :t5A' ,. ;yimawCltcbIow, Notaryirubllfefof Wcbcr Qamtfr,:l:yu''it- -it r-':-r. Srancl,Sml(iMPiliato' Judiit for BoijZEldcr 1 County,- . : , . rtX;; , , f , Vrolm'-Bult, Notary 'jPublljor Bo Uldir, ...'Peter? JIangban, ;Pwit'o fudges for 'Cacbo ; County. "Ai itSs&X:: ''! .''J4.-' !s,anracs G;nAVilUe',:NWry -publfevor Cachet' i County.;;' KflfitfY'-s -."''Vs j'v'j WlUinm, A.'.Carterrbb"at(:iudgc, and ; NoV, laryiiblfcfor.GrccnBiveii'Xifo ' . ,;LyaridcfVOeCi?:Nota'ry :cpbHc1;for;"Tooeli) 7:Iiuko;ohri8o;.PJbat"ejJade for., ShaWl' Conpty'. r ; .,1 ' i4i'S--j -'VSaraitul Benriiob,,KotaryrribH&1ro Sl'n-hli County.-. ir- & I .iif'C-''-- V'-'j&v " Jobtt ,S.'ChtIds yrbbatoPJudge1 'for,-Cafspn 0ounlr;A ,. . '- ;'-;,-3A"--f?-".'w' .. 5VlHiam,C. Citnbeli,i Notary ;T6bllo;:for 1irWu'Cuttty4--'"'?. " ';it '.;?-v,- . ', , , v -h-xti'XmP - 'Af;lEMdnAf;Y' c Ta TiiE no-VTirt SKSAtE.Asp'irousc.olr- " Bwri&tATrypioir.iUe.jJs. rYorir. tnemoTudlsteithe Oorcrnor. and TgU' latlVe Assembly of tlioTtltoryJbf .TJtnb, beg leavo itstctfully'tb" repjescfat,, that" the.' cttl-terii. cttl-terii. of thin' Territory bave besn Vubjcctcd 46 many dlfBcullfw'prlfatfoh,, exposurcsi rind darigcrsl -In conseiiuence of lbevlerl!e. natural oftfifltwUfUiedi-y- and tbangcnble character: bt tlie'cllW'ale tho deStructloa of their crop by, tntecb, Sfrosts, and clttreroe drdutlij tbo grfcnt diftlculty of jprocutfugtlmlierifrom 'the Ushi txlihe nwirilnma and trattsportlng Itto ther low laud , :witlch nlono cvn m irrigated or -cut I 1LVt;,thet,xpMOTQtM'.;ihdt4n,-koaUtlUeirl Attd.tliOistant.losivttrUIiig' fforrfIridlan,' rubberleaiind -Itbefta,' and it he great ''dlatknce from,marltct; allliekty thins JiaVOj.coroblned to' rciider thc'twrly-'sistllchi 5 Ia--thH -mountain nXdaeMrtn-tfoniaUb tbi.thttt encouragement and aid wbleji hav&d liberally andjustly beoji'cxthaed by h fcderal Gov erpment to thoJuliabltantsfTmltorleiiniich' moift'favowd bjraturctliari'jUt ' , ',iThe'rVfoiftypurlta(mJOrlaltlrpcctrul i'rajyour Honorable, bmly, to gnintuntd' tlio actual jfcttlcri Jri thlsTerritoy, iich donalloiii of land n were granted ib tho MlOcrafpf Pre feon-'Tcrtltoryi: by; th&fprovMqnsbf; lanatt making donatlonBof Iarid.tb :bttlerarlntbat Torritory.pprorfdiSeptemljer'STBCqC.i-A' YburravbraMoeU6n'ujion thtsisubjtct:!!! makotuo fBintltepl;thJiardy'ploiteer'of-tir decrt Telolc-f 1n;thftvcorafort 61 "a 'botnftand 'ydnr;putlbncrg wlllover prttyj ' ' ' DAiiKtJI,-'W,-xtH, ' ' PrdidcntofO-tQnincU. Jbiw TAvtOBi ' , Sfplhr ef tht ITuuu ctf Rtyritenlalkti. Approv ed January 30,1600.. A. CuMsiisq', MKMOBIAL Jb thi JlonoralU. Joaeph.-JJuft, JostnuuHfGintrol tf tht United Stota. Your'Mcmoriallgt, tbc Governor and LcgTs-latlTc LcgTs-latlTc Awembly uf the. Territory of Utah, bfg lev rcspectrully to represent,; that thp south m edunttepdf this Territory arc deprived f tho bcncllti arising from mail communication. In.cpn-cucncaof;tbeiiUUreoTtltpI);ltMrtnicni to plaeo crvice on tho route between t' lltiupre and Codar City, 'distance oTqheliufldred and twenty wile; Jeavbff the route frgia.CeJar to Santo Clata, on whicb service lias Wen', placed without connection, with any btberwail roiiti, Xhlch rendew the aervlco. jwcle?, except. for raere neighborhood communication; believing that tb'winterrnptlbn, of mail communication between northern and fon(h?rn Utah, .arises from want of proier Inforiuitiou Ixlng fur nialicd the Department; ' " .WeFtherefore,; beg leavo.rcspectfully. to call yoUr atteiort""to tbls'iubject, which f of great Importahco to' the; Inhabitants of tho southern cauri tie; and would recommend that iwnl-wetkly iervlc be put upon , tha route from Fdlronro tq Santa Clara. Arid, your memorialists, me-morialists, m ia diityilwuttd, will everp.ray-Dasim.IT. everp.ray-Dasim.IT. Wtw. I'retulent of iht ChUncti. . joas TAttoB-, Approred January 20, AClfMMlSO, Gat trrior f Utah Territory. Y v - - I MEMOllfAfit Ihr daily mail ttftid) 'torn 0M4rt, rii (7ai 5alt, oe Qdy, ta San.fYanciiw To Tiii:BPnTO't'st,s AJfo:Wbcsa orllsrBi-MiTiVW0iLlD':?. ixCoKOii.AsjiBW. Your Memorialists, the Governor and Lecfs latlvfrAssembly 6f tbftTrroryL'f Utalj, beg lettvrettwctfily tcrprcsenfi,,tht.th peqrte Of tMsTeriitoty are pniTcrinsfgreat inconrerd ence from;th.dffielency of mallacllittcs. Notwithstanding the route leading through our Territory is the? most- wntral, direct, ;o.nd riaturallyibctmostlnipottaHrttute-wpta-tUpl coriUnent, there U. only Berat;m,onthly servlco thereon, wbleh" fs of Interruptea - by causes which might easily; b overcome: The Increase f population oqd the growing Importance f th Tarlous ett!ement along the rout. ipair loudly for ImmcdlatexeHtf. Therefore, your memorialists respectfully pray for the establtshmentbf daily mall "servlco ftottpmha,K. T.-,ormo.olhotellglble point i6v?rfej'ivvnA; . ' , - - , yf-.,i'-l , - onihe'Mlssoutl Ulvcr, to Hart PrcIs,,Jpftll K'F4.S vM fernla by way 6f Great Salt take Cllyi -V. ' ,4- '5 ! V lH . Yourr early attention and favtomblc-ictkia " . IgiJ uwthlslmrrtimtsuljectr fraught M H;f:;. J . " ' iMJII I wltliCso many intcrestfrtSi the Welfare of'th .. A Al , ifii lUlpubtlc. are; resiwctfutly iUetlretli fchdrywK; v Mi memorialists, as In duty boritid, will everpray. ?j; ffa ".'l .,; i .IJASlMill. Wkil. ; ' ' ' ' N,S llL '"'l SBI -;;r- ftttatoitoiieiiM , '''V.iffij -. , Ai CtiiMisd,-:. ' ;;V4'i'--'v . ; Wi Mww-mftytrtr lofrof im:'nVuAAn.. - - i.aj 1 act,lnoorp(rtttlrig,Wc,l)er Kanyon Road ) Com ,. j SviiljAffil pauy," approved Jaa. 10th, 1805; also, ,."Afii t- 'tljl net to arneiid -'An. act to incorporate Weler ' M ISf Kanyob Ttoad' Company,' approved Jan. Ott, - " 'fm 18&;''Wstf, '"AnacttplhcorporattttheTrbvo-. tui Ktttiyba Bowl 'Cbmpauy,?'' appro.vid January v 11 l,,lti66, are, hruby repealed, 1 ; ...Z, . ' iff ' - ;SediJU That Citlusl-e control of the road mvM iiqiV;mkle hi J'rovo Kanyoii,. If hewby ;Vcsta4.- n -WR lii tho Ownly Court of Utah County, as Ajfent YlH bf th.TeTHuryiind Iti shall-; be: ,tbo,uliiiy vof satdcUrt1(latablliICratfoftoirbrisAldroad- M f "drtd keep.tha8an:fnrepalrrum:lhe 'pfc r" k m thereof; and iUrWh a reportl.b -tbo" LegUlatUwj - ;ffl M ,AWenbly'dutlng.thdbwt'.wccVofTt:sesloti' 'Mfjffli lucj.chyrt'r)5UktlngJh9tfclp:tfrqw . IfK-fH tho ctjH'ndHurci fpr repalrit; and nil other busl i 1 ' '-'H besi trausaetloni'whlcb pertalo to' ?ald 'road.:?- , , V .Bm jE9 ),Se-:a;'TUum'ofeiEhtwn:hoUVMd,.ila'l" mMM hUndfed nnd.nlitetyHwvenrdollara and slrty-jf, MB bAv cents; Kbcreby, appropriated out' Wsiuy '"mBHE moA6y tn the. Treasury, not.otli"CTwUjpir9?t briatud,,' (rt ,'rcimfmrsti Uilham Youngs ntid,. , - 'gsw tVriuaoriiUtlbfor lh means experided'by,. 'J' " 'K- w IhenUn conlitructlnid toad, to. beVjiN Sv;"4 ;-;, - ,Vla BlXclUalumuial.tKiyroenU ; rVi'.''- '" .1 &f Sea 4.v Bald Toad ,hallr licrcajter bet Hh: . -:. - m property, wf ttm'Ti-rritorw nud All tbbneyii yjf m received forJtbll aa afori'wvld, bver, 'and abovsf' . 1! 11 tho'nccciry, expenditure lor IreiialrSi.-Jinllbs' ' 'M m Wd;t:iiriatti-'yeatly "Mq -tU(viTcj;-itor&I .fj m yj'Pf1! ''- firm Approved t anriary.WfiOOvJ-i' sm" , vli9 Gn&rimxi Utalt'Terrtivrjit: " -Itl'f EddUuhingVietoulforn and tcadm foumhry (hut fik -itw.jAs.y-jTijotrtoA,'That,t , '"-wij orb' and wtlcm" tiounilarles of; Spa'nUU - Fork . i mi Incorporation W--taitMtowtoctmiW ,tho" moutUiof. WatcrKany6n,itbcneMwiti ''"''4 tf- thlrty.icVen degrees north ton stake know if as ?? !.'Stttldapnc;SUa'J,',c;8nbw?ajurve;y uf-sild , f llhcf.thcnco west-- threc desrcefsdijth tovtlw - VA9 2entrV "orroud.Twn"Sloiighsribenc-);dowri " !., a Mid sIo'wBhsUaUuck CttckVthenco down said 'V-'1mF . crVelt.tqPayspnvJncirporatl6n Uae;'s:tha, . .'.IR south mt.corher.6fSrnlb-iFork7.bn'ey f 15 Ith liay Jaodj tkc"nco.n6rtl. to Utah'.lAko fill ;;x;MB3f,-,rui4VM- AvCoHMWtt,v;,A.sf:;ir-f L rf.--rr-- "IS &rtthwtf;Ut&Tariu!rif, -Ai is'" U '"-Ira |