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Show 'two hVe ArungTtth'er ;fcW extractfi aiid items of rtows referring to the, state. Of things at Wshiagtoil, and the gcnral feeling abroad In the States;;as drawu. i forth by the prolonged attempt jto electa Speker for the Iobso' of Ilcprescnta tives t I'rivate advices froni IhCiEc pf Government. lead ps to fieii'cTe'tliat the Democrats would dd theif utiriost to slave Oft" tlifi organlzatioH of the Bbnse tintlt after the Charleston Convention, Tlnch:fs set down 'for , the, 13'tk of April,. Sh'il th:iatcSt teifigraphie, iiotlccd in another cokmn bo; reliaXlc, the face of things Will doubllcst bo entirely i-bangcd 3y next wall we kiptti ihcre, will be some thing definite jbither one way or thef othr. fl'he CoastjtatioB. of the, "United States, at tho present-moBJClH; is the' jangWng stock of monajfchs abroad, atid'.at homo it is the hnmiliatibii of. evdry wan' hb. Iptcs his comjtry, anjJ.tlie. memory pf Hie past. " |