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Show ";CijTkIe :atfii,-pi lffiTfi, nfegalh:n'&tlfled;of ijisterfl Mtillisfibv to'veeeljlyi' lie L i!ic.;niail rbntraeto?4 ive applied ,tp the.PflstnjastertpfiKl U' lfepir'.cfc "dpIeplifUistead of doing totily" twice a nipittli. ludditipn to tlils -wecldy mail,, wblicarpf -a pbny'expVpss;-pas'sfttg tiirouijh ber, from" the; Missouri 'tpPJacervillc. The-projectors ol this-lattcr express there' Wfispt fdTiuUe the Athu.itie Vithth'e-.racin'tcjegfaj Vithth'e-.racin'tcjegfaj daysf Tfiis is'- nfrvirxpcrni'ciit beyond whiultJlc i?i1" - .iiig-itlie,suggetibns- liie-MpusiAuiEEB, pfr' ditiouaj InuVrpv'emeu t; "Bfs'hop .JiMlqudi,.ofthe I?brirSenthravd', lias OfiCuM'Su cycmiig'Trcef ?cJioPl,'.fbr ' the hereBXof 'theAoiiiQ:' hlslV'iirdi; The selibbUSOpc L," Ca ronb'tl l,;is apppliitcd siiperhitcudcnt, anilMr.-UichurUJJaHau'tyh lpg,mrijliinctic, ijeograpltyj? gratiimarjind hmpy"., are taught ,t Av e 'arb; .pleascdtb IcofaqfShisppyrtun llieybiilig wliolle-sire to iniproye'tlielr education, otid? prepare. Uicmselves for fut)irejiVero"ne7..aitd "ivibpifthat the Vb$wrtwtty?! Will' ho' weirippfeciated. W shoiihrpe ;tohear ns much frpmothei!. w'StJvl"pcrlty nltendtlib cduCatiouaV niovciuCift.. late" Auutiwtmid Commisfiou ' Stbroof WtiJeaudiiiOQi, South: Temple Street, ts beilig alu-re'd Uiid "prepared, fpr the ppcnh'ig or.a,dayehoPtbyi)r.'Bo'remu9.' .Mceiisc' py tjjis ltiiaEscx or wie TJr-ytiiTsirtV--Tlie ltgit Hoard of Bcgcnts met on ifbnday. evening "u, Prcit. 5. robng pQicc,',Bt.half pas.(J o'ejoekt) h niptibn of Chanclfpr PriittMrj, G. P ,Wit'Svas'tfpn6tntcdSe1:Ve $o th Bpard. A uiaj6rity: of the Jtegarts being be-ing present, the meeting was' org'tiiifzcd, ohdlhSChanccIlpr Offered prayer, Tim evennWtts..ipeijt iu);onters.atioi) pn the best, meaus.of edncatJrtg the rjsinggencra-iloii, rjsinggencra-iloii, nndpu the general benellt' to the. cpmmunity. of the cultivation of the wcpcOs;licariiigupon the priifctlcaY dally duties of life. The ann'duheemeut of President Vonng's plan for the cstabllsh- titttima1tk-th Sod4fr!it,i ,- tho dtk of the 5SiT :v paUic JeltShi regeafe 1 strtcd teil&t tt schoolsilSh I IHe TerrHery aiidi ,to makeSSat , iieqintCd teaS?rSte Wmcr of tMihighd condihSE M schpolsj recommending evcrvWhwi rr H' tentipu to the Ie4t .;!?, whatever mlgto tte for thcgeucralh htT " :;:; The Secretary gave cOBsiderabfe cvmS bf the advantages, of tlio BoW alpfiff fc H llis eclmens of Writing pa theP blVclli ;l " board.wcrp very satisfiCtory,;Th jng was closed V prayernd adjourS.B -till ucxt Monday evenings J |