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Show " Jim STATK QF TIIE UJvIOJf. l?(iwt amOng the many Interesting: Speeches Job the state, .of the'5 Union; now being delivered at Ti(nshiugtoifi,.;for every purpOsefforii ttuncombe down to tfife breaking up 00 ii TTuion. ytOi seject for pur readers f fie .summary of. ,a iipecch dg Kvered by Senator ,Toomb,in tho' enatei oil thd tith of iTanUary t ' ,,. '''Mr toaiJns (pem..Gky .said' the .Government jiad hUhertQ- bpptf:pblo tb meet . all the difficulties wlifch beset it iiespiritof H .fcominpir riatipnatity5 had, Carried them " through,, the itevplulion Soon .niter the. formation of. Urn Goveri inenti.ucsiionsorose. which deeply Jaoyed tho-publienrijdrbot whCu thcy.wcre're ferred to the balfpiboi, the, agitatibn; passed away, ahd.society ,felt.secorevopr alt thisis changed., Che fecllngjol loyalty,,' ilio . fecltogwOf common count ry and common interests,-.is-fast fading Woy 3dctf,iio, longer" Regard,' iip cpwpacf-S'y .Whicir Uicy are bQuudbuVldrgebodicSiPt them despise ;jandtramp We. hjSvearHvediiQvAV.it period ;-. i' our. history- jvheuit f?lithroughout'ihi4iarid' tjiat there ; a Apgctloiial; party;s "which .brings us"; facp;.tq Yope1tV''yhitl Wojcb.thikhcroauu thfpugud" An7ericaUehaf,'bU ;ihis' .aiul pr'de rgwcuy J&y Scnators'jwill arrc'sttlVis fecl'f ogj jneitfjeE wilf'thei;idcf pVtUngjfc qwii-: 'mU-JoC'rirocn; 'mU-JoC'rirocn; I'iam iuy.- ,cJtcicti-f..SkH: thrcatshadJetter boyrcsryrth havi? Tebrcd.-frbutho balijey;iustOfd,Of being wade beforegoing ..into Jt. deuce wotdd suggest they 8)VpUld;cavc''at, eycnt.BO nucertaintfreefroiu aticastaCiistf and threats;J The'-suffideur this is, that the fuudiinipntul pririCipips' of ; society s.aroissailcd, the Cace and troftquility-of the, people are ju-rdanger: hndsocipty itself is ihrCotencfl -W?,t dis? orut?bnjaUttnpthreatsp iug: Jbutthe- cpHistph; of armsftsettlejhe questibu v).th braye,-.meUi any wJiereJIe r,cfprred,toiiIst()ry. to, show thatanUpns" cori-ripthope cori-ripthope idbe.exemptom;jn ' 5:oiis,.aqd WhrUl:,priiichilcs';or arcsubverf ed. .then-. hevStnfe':?fl?i bb'dy, pol(tiqisvyirtottlly mfastfttcscof ctVilwSr. aniat,aaidMa,lisV.irt ditibiito-day;ro:ijre, Hii.;felt' tjiat;mapybfj his nssbcidfcs hero wgrO jiiemksTp tlbTintry; Ha knexf, Uieywcrefle committed ;ftc clvjllzwt ccm mnnltl,qsfw6ujd:be: , inhere" f a.:,flprpraidzalio )t htch alesired to bVerBi'rbiVttb and the"'suc;. ceM ofj-that orgauiza t rpi?, i?,, ftcouistcut :wtU'"the peace! and safety of? 'the COiuitrj'.-Thrs' COiuitrj'.-Thrs' iyp'san. prganiziuiph winch bas liecn, gA.therI-fb'r4eforftw aHimafin;prhictpig.tipstihtyU plondvjnsttut pi tUisjlXiiiphr . They Itave 'shoWn, lis a party and asnaividliiiliC fficdfnlid'unnlterablg ptiVpfi3e,iby!nC'tfW pf,rtliepnstjtution.vln lemuicngagementa fixl'dliurpos'b' il 'to. y lblenltfy... EobVerttJie iiistilutipns bfifteentafes' irc1',kucr ihese. were'StrbOg-cTiafges, tbut ;tfey" were not Hghtly.:niado.' JhejigaVe;..Wra;pain1 and'hermado' tiibTnipre iU'sbrrpw than iir auger., O.jChnrggd' with: liKv'hig.strjckc.i'downpne'of thepriu-ciplts.4)f;tho thepriu-ciplts.4)f;tho i CbiislUutl6.n,;'frt tho fape of the. jndgin'ent of ' ih$ Jojllcifil. tribiuml of UieiGovx'fin'uCnfc,'. Tiielr,;pTtnciplfK vera i'n.dlreci.opitottonrto "the "Constitution. 5Chtf members . 1mdr, by pcecb.es; legislative' acts, and;Vi)orllpnfrtlicm by yert acts;. g'ven-surtlcientcal(sb, for 'war, in' all'civit izcd uatlons lipoid thothe ConstftV-tlon ConstftV-tlon fiad been acttinUyVviola'tcd by "nine States; OT 'tbe' TJiiipn j violated fn. thai tioawhiclj.retpjir.es the- return of peiv sohs'lictdHo MrsiceorTabof. Jtwps nl$p iu,the;.Grdiuauce,of ,eighty.soveu. It wast alsV :in-tho'oId Coufedti-iitiOn 'of Jfew Englaild.. 31c referred to; the Judfcjary "of -1 Wlsebnslii, deliberately trampling , pnder fobtthpr ConstCtntion, and coming to as, the youngest of the sisters, who was rotten beforc'slic got ripe, with her hands fed JvtU.blpqd,pf ft violated. Constitution; and.aU covered over with perjury, Otficr States had also determined, by rersdhid Liberty bills, &a, to anuol tho Constitu5-tlott Constitu5-tlott withiii their limit's, Ycrmon'atid Massnphusotts had douo.this, .oJiad Maine, and when the Judiciul act of a State docs ot suflDiciehtJy nnuitl the Qoo-stitution.theu Qoo-stitution.theu acta of murder anil' violence are resorted to, to effect the work. Cou- tieitteBtbea the work a Jpni!:iigo; l Mr.KoaTKB(lU!pfMe;) incf wte UiU ilopnetitiCuT wal. contrary to JCoiietitntion? " X ' , .' . f, t. ooMiWtCaBverhlbiWS(,aBdwiil noSfatihadJoBO thtHvork raow. frai dulefltiyi or it Mcr way, Thcyu aofcihp.manhoodtp gulp down the pciju-f rietftSftt the Itepttblicans or Kcw-irprk had,, Tjity have tim broken tho Con-; Sfition in ;Ohto and. inntaOta,,ftnd, wherb thee Jaws had been rescinded' byDem-Ocrats,tlicy byDem-Ocrats,tlicy would doubUcss be reinstated iiytbe Itepttblicans ' . MfAVM (IVen!. Ohio)-"said he, had. lio doubt they w, ould, Mr, Toohpsj said it W as the; Republican party thai had committed all these vioki ifous, dtid if they Could get the power, doubtless they would, proceed, .but they; wonld iievergct, that power, fo. Ibng as ere was a.dropof WoPd iu u true: hart from here to the lllo Grande TJiis party had, shown they had no respect for their oaths.. ' itc. judged them by .their public .acts. He had luot gpnc to tho wany pav pifsuWhere the word of Gbd.ia desecrated every Sabbath,but by thciractshecharged them, iu the fttcb of. the copntry, wfth being yio,Iotarapf;thfi Cbnstitution'i .lie, pould admire, the candor of lsncjt inch, as Garrison and l?hillips,who.Vodld not , take tho' ouths lpsuppott. the Goifstit'ittloti.nnd therefore refuse to TOtOi bpi tho, Itepub" IiCaiis,, Av-ho pas9;theseiaW8, dctejniinffto. ,takc the; oaths and then breaU.them, atid they.have done" Ho aYd the sjunc quckion. caine up in, the old Greece on the; qaestion , of ' going to war with... the-Icnriiin?, the-Icnriiin?, frecausestbey would not return: certain .slaves, PericrcVin" thdt day,' advised his cpuutrymcil td go to ' war bp the que'Stioft; aid GrceCo1 ,was devastated for tw.crttypii(j years; and; now with "full .knowledge pjf "; hat,;'' rcs'njt, : .he(5lA Jjt'opmbs) to'-diiy gave .the samejadvlee t q h!s6untrymehik;If Greewi0ibertyslepti fortwCntychWrieai it; slept- 'with, hpimr, .lBD(1tftftrMt.uptl,cr1l, iriglo rioiisly IId1rcfoffed ,ti), -the.speceh 'oj' flauic-lebstervrjvhb'said .ifithooxtliern $bitiMlstld .cricrd$:b 'ptt' - tho.. irights of 'the7 Sonthf ftho'" bargain: Abetwee'urfhc Statcsjvould be broken 'Xliebargaians; brokeii ow,:aud-ilipso 'whose, handi aire; -rcd-,with.blppd shall Pot'-mihi'ster for: him .2klr't -Topmbs) the. Cons'tituUonbrJ liis! country-1 "Were "-there .a'ny. mSniberbfthls Ilbuspp'U;' "tho .ttbe4d.b0Bld; proinisc, to 1 carry DutihepVof iiions!oHh JugUiva ;sitfve jWwoao"eiSj there, ivero, nwnnny Jo'6"o1"w'(iioifbdto' 6a v&Sodoui. .,,1 1 Was- iiOlhnt hsliingr tonhttdXhe ;rBathcrs1Sd:8aid;sQiandeoV but.thpyiadcv, aufhbrizcd"by7thp"'Constiiut ibn aiid.' bej-C' wna'thb;frtml:ijBdcl pi-actjcopiVjtlfl henUepuhllca'i repreSentclkth tfiepJatBcr ibe'iStissbarrr Cbiuproiriiae', HicyC utiev-VjiatfjjsTkoWu utiev-VjiatfjjsTkoWu tpalViueri'tq boa hot'ofioiis falsehood, d'pdVih tub-lfrrJUcWeiid extracts fromiefferson'S'' corrcsjibridcuee: -t6 ,s!!oV thnt'hofa Sl'iT'ery;,artd was opposed to tlie'Hissouri; CpmpYomisfo Jeffersdivpro'tcer in Loiilsmna' "and - Arkansas., This, party Claim thhV the pgitaflpn was reppeued; by;-thdcpcal by;-thdcpcal oft'he MisiouriCbroprOmTsei .Thnt'Shpws ilrppriiiclplesipf:thovpTr vhbrcOiiimeijced "agitatipnpn tlic, . tci?Ca Ofaffactivhichf jvns;dcciarCd'ic b'e irtiebn-StitutjonaJ irtiebn-StitutjonaJ by;the1iglicst., frlb?iiti; oft,lie coiihf ryi A''3 yati4iKepaTty threatcu .oud :wu6;..scek forpwcr5iii.-thf9;" ;GpVfirm'nenjLetemhrcaf pofcbelibve ochien -wpydlbeeKbrave n.ArthemUliitendcc: rights! .TvJientlicyCdid iioWlefendtlicif WV-hohln-V-.ASpEiioh ofthis)arlyhT wpiild" St 'saValrdrihcVfi sion; on 1 ili-'SQlitbv, WViii if "llitatcs yy ro noituiii tSdotil ti the' pftuie'of ;waJ?vcr)nild?t lTonsfieriaibrididTidt lesitato;t& aldiif spreading insurrectioir, niurdcrnndxrlme j thoSouthefii'tatcSj plxty-bight members of the 6'ther: House 'ViejSO';earelss;pf tlierjh tpf tllegoiuji iliaiiorscd, UieVsprSsdiiig of ihisl' crimes,;; oiHl;tio.t.they a'vilRa;icl;icit5t jfjbbfler onp.Af;H M third 'pffice iri:ih6.G, pvJiiipcntatml who hjny pbibiyb;c;l?f esident; pfjthe v3Xmted Stat esi';ltekUAv: tlmV. paijief wo not icCbejudgdby' Iheir'" itiwlcsme'mltersj unleisAfipuVty; iipptoycfpT their pptiois; jSTbwdijes t?us par ty. approved ; thi&actioiir .liaHlfDriJpjeupifprt irShCrjivao, find dp -they ;upt caMjl;otf other? tad Thett.tiey:aro.1,es)usiblelEfi tho act pC thbs?' wjipvduld:pu6; tfl&vtorcli lt.6' ourhpinclt; ,llp bjdi6:c.d H;fo, be his dutytoec1aVe:;iu' his- piaco, that .these meii "werc ftpiibiiel cuauies'c 'Hp ; iHo'utd treat thWibi' 'Cliey, jvthegiielfao'flijs Couut.ryaiul'.haTOCQlii "WouldTbJWsBtu iiiem-iftfprn,; , hey ttte'njpfcsaldjK JCbbmbs); to phl;iu .the. SppakcHs.' cluiir n m.aW, wlfo" fanno&VrvelOvc Our'comnioir'eounYry' cpjjdtry; ia'nQt,cQmm"P.a,:tb suelunerijoud It'rustln G.ott .it'n.vcKiwillib W"v-yt declarations, but. therenre rtopiiylia have baodedtbgeihefnu'gatho vpcd,";uejghboriiig JfatCj.,Iknpw there arp'thousnuupf "tho. )lcpublicaa parhv jv;holp5th"e1.aM"d.esMse raid is;muj:T'tho"S.e (Mr. .jlessf ndeT)patheSaery jbjit there njrC "6the'r? ".thbnsandsWthe.ro urp even uieil'pu- jthTlUlpor wEq JCir, us, while: they ablibrj thVoctthcy a'dfmrc the.'hcrp-isnj the.'hcrp-isnj of tl"u7mufdcrer. My prpTessioa has ihrb)yii4n;awp!g jnauy itrango cliarac-fcrs, cliarac-fcrs, audsquietlmes a'mobg thieves"' and! murperei,ai;d it-Is. one of tho .lifghest prin-"clples prin-"clples .bf hqtibr among a class, pf those iijfCVdio game.'' , I knew of poo who wa.eorfed by his comrade to refuse all prlcsHy "chsblatiph. ond toldfo."diegwue, ein! Aud eo It U n-itli thtsb, niou, aaey are overjoyed to liud thotthcrots onevij lain umong them who died "game;" and It r-lcts Withfthf ivcrsal.ap of t ltepabjhjiw piirty that tlMsjrhaD iino fJllasbk'.VeTeiickjgh to obey thG.iiiT' ; T., if tHoBithcse.iea rorgct every ahM tiou bt tte Costititiou, and dp all this pgaiBst. la, whit; vouldthey do if they tliad power1 6f Cjyfrument? He WjwW leavpha tpiikitBMd to jwdgc.. Ilo wold use, all means to prevent; it, .all lawful meansj and then all the Xorce of war. IJte appealed trf aU patriotic men to conic together aud Jrite this parly from all the halls of justice,, and rally with him for the salvation of the countryl The; ficni-pcratfe ficni-pcratfe party Jfoth WiH do their, duty., He knew thcy'had stood 0rirt Isofrce men in any country ever stood- truer than that noble band of patriots. If they cannot be gathered; and safety and, peace, &Corcd,then.jjafety and peace Is not-com-patiblp. Yhey, "tho.Soutbltand fcHlay on the fairest land God over gave, to mat), with twelve millions' of pepplettached to their own instftutions,. wjion no seditious" teching or brute force could sway front their' allegianciV Fhe poniitrVi had had butthree mjlHpus iptho.Itevolutionndw,! the South 1ms four times the population, and a thpusandHinies hc, wealth. - And; .whe'tlier they w.ere capabfe, of mafntaiillng; tjjejr rights' under "Upy circumstances, time! wiliJdctermYne . There; -wnsl one, of. the; States.pf ,tlie old confederates, Virgima whose retord is 11 covered oy'er with glbry-thc, blood pf whoso, sons' has been shed on her own- soilsliefurniAes-a: leader for oqr; armies, and Mi other ffaya th$,blbod of liegdllantrsOnsivafished pii. Jjatllo fields from Quebec to. ,Nevv0r jp;tfusC-. jlersoiis. now're sciittcred all pvcr.fe-laiid.butthcy ,, are loyal, audfalth'. jfql. to htr-insUtu.tjpnS iiud thjy are ready,; tliey pre jilting; tiey-are anxious Vb repay thiS.:w;rong)-ptid oneijlas't; pf fitap. bu&lo' tiornW!re worth a frtilifoii men'f'XSc.t.Htp, !Sbuih ,sfand' firm otf tho.grOund, theyliavC. chosen arid,rallyjtethertp Constitute u-gtf at and;VraV pf theila4yerSJrties,nt ;whp4o!fecdceply -tGe'jSnfit'of'aiyph impugned and fieir!)safety.':imberilcd miless this part ,is; hnrlcdrom pow,er, :J.illuf:if ; tjiey. fiiUpnd jf; thecpntinHeucy.lp.wl ;the,ScuatprromMaiupMr.!i'es .alludes,, occurs, ?the;-eleCtmu of altepub-IfcaunSideptJ altepub-IfcaunSideptJ I implore. tny-ofit,fetate ycr;elf?reipccfby hbflpvp;.P'i ;ibrty, "byihe-Cpijst hyhcrpwfi great; pamg;;;' Cthemj'airdn.ev Beift.vTpdsW .wfip;Uttrthojo dcfpi:hririhW.opt'jpii t;mpJe' ofpbXrtys bceh;;madeppb priht'iplwjand; dVcift ,fdrttv;'tljf'psfmc; dcfend-'ohrrigl piilars.of thla'lbrrouS feBiiaadiqtnglc: ollnrpHonlirversalruih: TV f'SKe: SttnVEYOi&'Gcn?i. pBVfAn Wo'iiQ.tleeJiu-thc" othcrpoTntnfcu ta hfi U& P.residen;rti-; .cjby jgfinne U)MuOl ;is:datcdlfipXCtl; jrortfe-periodvofTbi |