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Show ;the;mb8t'cxiraprdin ,i(vhibhli should bot ,have? believed- pad, if been told me; 'n'fEurppe;i5To;'W3JaTtep I up;our5quarte'rs atjaniiinf ipjHhatplaccJ iufcjiding totrcmaifintil morning,;nlthqugh"JtTaV8Til day." p.itapartrochtt".as!''w tlic .e;i?e;wos;Mth.c,bM feet' Rbq ve;iho garden'rWp had:dind,and weradilcussfng sorbeqneitlqir 6TJ apanese social' .econbniy . which I.flid 'npfr plenrly ; comprclic'ndi. -Iwhcn! onr rnitcntlon' Was attracted byla. kind-of procession winch was making Jtway towards an nrbbur nenrjy;faciiigtfs. There was a considerable crqnfd following, which soon, filled the garden and prevented roe from getting bearer, but, jrom my elevated position, 1 warable to see very clearly all that happened. hap-pened. The foremost of tbpso who Walked n the procession, was a rather .short and stout.tnan, bis face having n, coarse, sen-suat' sen-suat' expression, whteh was sufficiently perceptible) notwithstanding the. fixed-ncsis fixed-ncsis oflHsTeaturcB, and thu air of q!etct-mlnatibn q!etct-mlnatibn with which he strode along. On reaching thp arbourthose about liim stopiVcdand!hc;entercd'in aiqnc, and sat down on a low talile. 1 watched lils pro- i cecdyigs very, a'Ctcn(iivcyt for. ihere was Bucli'.iv cnous'ressipn- on, the cquntenV aribe.of thc.spe"ctato.re;s.o; diflerent to what I haUbe'cW accustomed .to see in .Japan, that, 'without knowing wba.t was aboutltp fce placc," J anticipated; something .pnfu'lV.rj ..".I . pboiti as- he!-appeared.; .cajniortably 5 scatedfbne of thbTe wjio Sccpmpanle.liiin, : h"aVtled'iym"pipe, end-hp' took jBbverali strbug ijVspIrationldrawjngJbp's j to , hls;lungs ;aud;'bl6wipg; it out through' lug bostrils) betiicn fiartded tGe'jiipe back', j anft drew a kinfe' Trout some placet and : deliberately ralifbgbis rohfs,he,fn presence of thecrbw,d of spectators, made two in-clsloris'jn'hlnbdomcttinthe in-clsloris'jn'hlnbdomcttinthe form of an XI TlieUghtihade meeersq sick, and gtclyTUiat 1 was obliged to tiirqw myself onHbe llobrfbr a minute or two; arid when T;had reebyercd'mys at. him agalri.lie was sitting quietly in the eamq place, Ms hack resting against the jriclOsurc, arid .nothing In his appearance appear-ance tb denote wliat had' peenrred, A. great part:oHh'q crowd had disperscd,.as ff their interest In the matter ceased with the; performance of the operation. Just tlicu'Dsetjuma cameup bud beckoned to ihfe to come down into the garden, where bo had been to rriafee Inquiries, attd. I walk,td wltbjilm to the arbbnr, in which the ;borr!Waffalr, had 'taken place. Wb fo.und tlioretebed;raarir sitting. In the attitude at-titude 1 Jiavb.jnst mcnUqncdj and quietly and qalmly smoking his pipe; as it he wai nbi. Borislble of pairi "I looked at him attentively, at-tentively, but he evinced no consciousness of ' our presence, and it wasr very evident that he wa. near' his end, pr was under ihe influencqfbf1sqmb powerful narcotic. There was'tibt the slightest rnovemcnt of anykuid;"the eyerwere, fixed, but when I -j ' t looked Jmoto closely jba thcrp.thcy seemed , filed With such a deep, strange, unfathomable unfathom-able expression, .that . I .shuddered and drew back; fcnd not nlj'-tho 'enderitofs of . i psetjum ta jMucqime to take. 4' plib-frflph plib-frflph of hltawerOjOf ripy vail, althpugh iy refusal didrioT pre vent hlrb front' tniik-. tog the aUcmpt,' which; prpvcd , to bc flu-weccbsful, flu-weccbsful, from the "depth;' bf 'shadoiv in. I which tliebbjcci' was (nvolved " .? The.ocCTrrcrtcp J have, Just- described ifwas sqHow,nnd a'ppcaVed so extraordinary : t,q.aio; thav I -cridcaf ored by-" every , pos-iblo pos-iblo means tq find out tlio canst." Dsfet jtrmaWaa quitejas a'nxloris;a.I;tbbbtnlit tlio- lnforriiritioii,T)Ut sq: many contradict torj:nswcrs;Wcrpgiyeti. to his.questioiw, that it wasquiXqclear" thbsot: 'whomjhq addreKSed,kpewnothiogidb.oul ' UVf.(lI's Inquiries of" ihe' .laridlordhocy,crfer), aiorqStt'ccbssfulin getting: afcfthqirntb;qr, at. all pvcrits, ibmcwherq.iipflr it,- It apr pears i'thb sulclpehcl.tholiosljbmanagcrV orfliat'l tlilnk would be.'more :.cbfrcctly Expressed a$ toward;pf; 'A.'Wl'nejbptie bf the'crow.rilarids.? city wasitoake'.charg thqproduct of .thewmlue;!arid,aftcr7dedg'e)iri expanded lqw'6rklri'giU,.to hvandf6vc'r4the remriiudcr!tb;the;'diiimia, brclilef .ruler of Ihe prqylnceitq bchyhlraitrabUtcdio the .cmpcfbKtlmpncd that this stew ard;fbr som flogglng,tqv bqidmiiilstercd jnincrjv wliShwtly;"afterwhM arid gfnve'fnrormatibn, tb thbdam'iaihnt tho.nwriSgcri kepia- tibrtiori of jb'egbld back( and thatbb had tt.conccaled.' in;his house; 'IJpoh hcaringthls thb damla" cauisod the; mirier Joibo, imprisoned.; arid sent; Drders.to tlVsteward;tb comet'b, birirind tbhringhls'.iicountk Ifcs ori his;wayi(&- render the oecpprit requirtd, .wlieri'cithcrirrora bit nhe cons'rietVccs, brns"'ne of 'His ' frieri'dssald,;'Whd rcmalncd;.wlth iiint till ' his!deathbb1scioug of his v innctce'ncei,4He bad , defer mined tb.die,' and'HP ensthis . blood on tltQhcad of .hls:ndcriscr, arid $0 brlrig'down npqn him the vengeance Si i thegods This'-; niet?od; qf (vvcnglbg; i ;inufy atruek'tritt ris being So Absurd, that?X;in- dined to the dplrilorilmhe' was.of rrild ,to iindcrgoiUb ordcal.qf living bW'acebbntsl bpiniori; ' Muti to my,1 pxtrctpq;mrprj8e,;; he ftauredmejwut?6ucl(b ao'wcomrailvely 'conimon";andfa tQ'tIib.rdisbelicf;'in. tEefgqdswhlch had .been growing for!:;mariy years., I ;ascd hiralfifo'remcmbercd.a'Bimilar whereltliecahse of thri'sriiclde bad'1 bceri ihut ossllricd'qnthe "i prcsentbccoSbn!. He tbldtud. he 1 could Tcmentbcjniqrqhori one case,- whcre.riqbihSr ,rcasori cbuldlbb fm'ngiricd;but thai; in - theraajqnly 4 of casevtho sUlcldcs: "arose frbiri.wcarlriesrqf life,:or'to avqidpunlsbraent fbrahffericd ngalrist thelnwraicfwii |