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Show COURSSPOXDEyOK, ' :, Ir it mi opiate that has prevailed among away of the ehawta of Utah, and an 'jrfWi tlwfc!. KdTi 'fit a fifi'tiistHrC'j "tc ' tkWrtw holiest told In jiewsjiapers are . tttidl tale thVt pass aWBjr wUk the , , tditejr Mi forever forgotten, Kqe eft fcaeViapre hearty cetcp for edt-. iBfj " " frtwaMk tMti'Kfttfift, , aawwg 1 ' !; , y facte ieetel with ike erifiti, i ' iswe, wm: of jjifejjfcs dn jtr " ikkwly sbeiW er t bonus is wina; m'; , thaj, tketrtti, K.' iMtllioM, wlitt rca lt ter; jfew.irh hiforw tketesclFcs ' - tto trsito bIwl the edlartVa, a . With ihe Jfwwicdgfe of thltfltfct, fttid '.' IrUh vkw tft BBfilwclckj cvcrj liai(J antl ' - jkwl; -Uw ffehm f the ptcsa vras - 1 fciiwHtBtea, Jii? the midst of mort- Wt4.W tbrcfst, tJ&grwfcfcTPt' ; the iwwkst ;jrr J -A ight hri his throsgh jiit fttMfrywitt jMtes, ainst hU sabjectsj ;', bt hi crew trewWcd t tins pablishcd , Th .sTJaltk Sit r Awtrica harp, ;. .; 4 .jMirleiM ?f tkiy -history, 'f'lr'i' .hh;tlMjCTet 6f t tjke osii Va; y : " Hiat h tlie n.gt!taS m, supporit of frco r; ; t?s freetr;; ptjraair h' XJctwnwViA lraftor P !flithrrW 'jtfi ' f feai jaiwwWfcfa Ametici' f) . iWrhjht'fif petitirt faaaled tliB frpi 3 P? ihe ;prei sksgaM or, the )ri?i - - JJ willp tho recollect fc:-- t 'rjcpoTitiiy;. doitb'eidt ' - ' v," . ; Itflfel ji aigwpf srty,- anif pnurt' - fl" ?J-''; M the nduIewcV otar ica3i ? ihefrial 8rdoaf ia aiji-callfnaiS y S "V tcBtiba to thafrjHOSt cootemptibift' of ' alt' v'.' tCpretetioe to haaestytho Tints?' '. f?R-WUar irfatalof ithfrCiamp XA4 Ucr Juried' fiiAn6;; 'fp:'' '"Jt W!Nte.t& wjWle toBftflkaMjtvorhaTy jK-. -? r . to.jjttwf caa scarcely claVm a jffip.. " ' fhfiajiSM tauquiihplhSDibal- rather tffr --"-' iVAlkwiajj,tf0C tbe sato of argumontf Mil.- tt, C.wresp3ndcnco was Tvorthy'of ffic;! noBcenfft very onnUonablo- hypothesis,: V ' v ; byitfe bye) wjli take np th(w;hargc?-K th(w;hargc?-K V " ! tfatloic and psamfnc'tiieuf. ' ' - SB? ; : s'i "Bngham4 6atoJ!itca!';aro I 1IV 'Mtfftca.or "injoioiug; ,fte- lrcthQreit-io ,! C&-W Nlaea'sjiiic Iff.:--1 , - graill Ml ' . ,Wi8tftoi;-glorid-moJ fif ld?. . efotinacoij'rscrrc8 '8tficrobeafcHtto g,"- " - SMPkibti5e, 4riCBl Tk. OW!tjon?rco8SttiBoiatcd:alonltt-,t P1108 "'w'oVeorliisWuctioasi W - v itW.fi&sle Mrafc. always , brilfiapt apd a 4 -n?w?l&- r0ia With .What prulQlnrbat . . 'MefianwortbQ. uolTersal 'scoffs or 5fi3'-;1 tesiwortirlpfefb Mejr "ani-itifufc SB'. - - vlk- K WHU greater wisdffni,tflah ? J ?MigM;6BcsJlie propriety v" . y"NeabncofflBncK seuiijafa't 3kK- -;.thcacknovyIed fgP ?lHe!fiWtyo;urjyrps alw abroad ;talk of their favorite? . IWBfsthelirictolw tfb'jiBh6aiil' 1 WIWAw ow'foiirwro WyV llf'' FHb -sPvcrtyjprDudL of tlicmio the V JiroWrlh?m :befora- the: throoe or 'tfci ii' tjchargft: isi that thkfXfi:sint IM '-' Jftwii aadlJibuwaineef i "have-beca for OJ: '. wVadrislngalrthrseitlc'raeBtsQ m gft'ffiiitary f: ' $!HesfAul procure .abnudaut fiuppljj of Rff . urW.aH.aramunHioa , ja this connecUoii ' wo iot Concede ourseve3Blighjiy at ffetirWMi ftur dhHy o fi adyiw tt&Mu 1 WfdfolthAt at.d06. now.aMmish thcDthatRUadaty cmy Conakry, hotiuly iilDfatii hqt to arm hiwself ttjHi-pTc. 1 TJw 'eaiBro imtoflbtUnf reared tiiHt he aB lAet;! .M- wast e cktioaiKe tho Titt for the iBseritotfof the fcUcr Jyew Yark knows tfee Raited, States ksoand the wotW at large kr-ows, 0at la A Kepabll. w Gorj?rnicHt, every taaa k his own. SOldief, aad tljat thsafcty of hiai MUa depeBtfe apo Wwa eirerfrcady wcapeas, If we jiato, t Sy tiwe been jaegtectful of arpioiwrdtttyjif we, have failed to call the attention of our fellow-citizens, to ih(i proper guardiaushtp; of their rights and safety U m 1t. permitted Oar laws to flicepunoBsWercd and dishonored wo now $dvlie oar felioW-citizena' to tlifir daty as cnjolfd by the laws of their country. The American citlzftl who nfgiects that daty, commitsby that 'very' acglect, thoi fiifst act? ,of treason to hts couotryt li ?ay bo firgucd that the federal troops. orecaioloycdtodQhaUte fbr tho iiatfon. ! Vhere wefo thoso troops when- wo first plahted thcflag'ordurrcpuWTc licref Where; waa. their artillery whea onr citizens were driven from their watering' places and fuel forests, ten years,, .ngo? Where wro tjieir Oiitposfa when onr citizens were scalped in their1 cornfields and onnvomeil ahd children lajf hlced.iog mangled corpses off the plains? 'ToeomeTstUl.hcarcr home: wher(i. Were tlielr Efiniidrons their" rifles i aivdtKcirTBahrcs wKeiv Gnnrtison. atid-his: escort' cr bhtehcred ond hiicked, to pieces, on the; Sovier and' vhen;,uf atl-ze;ns4lono..dno. atl-ze;ns4lono..dno. atteinpWo feepulchro .his bOnes atid, pltp for Jm w!ccpi Klola: lock; of Tiairfrpra tfi Jiwoglcdwcoriweof bt brare CaptoUC1, carefi :&M yet Store near;! , i V-hera Fore their brazen. baftcdeS and clinnfping iitfargers lust Autuiuif, when, tho- bleeding scalps of onr citliciis. w'ng .tanitrngly as the' orna-: menls of the T.ed-meu's sjiears,- tind the aiotrou and her habes lay braised and dea.(f.uppn.tl(c.dcserts? -,rVy :0nrwhol4Jii8tory iufofm deat Of all llhcse.plaikcjfainpils; that our. defenc&BRdaecnlri'tjas jvvUias the pro-ttctioa pro-ttctioa ofOBr ;friend3,..nre,. fa "ofe.olvH-jHcuco "ofe.olvH-jHcuco wo:nOHf Ssiiyif wi), norcr'f before mndlS I ,;j'2V6n4hni fcllb.w- but'onocfl'aB pioneers, (BBno--iH-iJtafjbaV aoaghtyou;o'ai home;. Xtdhe aa'd-on your )rn;rDSoorecs you.mu8t"defead' th fThe ticxt .clmrgo against, us; s the nr-; portation of ftjf" and' at the same Ume a aiy cut at 3eaeral ;laraey about awiucr3f;, or our qwm part we regret that the, first accusation is,.witbout foundatidu, Yo.WOuldhave16ecn .pleased : to Tcceire.a. fresh supply of ordnauce; .and ; would'aTe tjikciV 'pleasure in JJa,priser Vation, andln rendering" U'usela...'h(w? fut.groaadsrcither;'ogajustd boriatt. ,? a-benMlbo 'grail- fibatfearid;rescrye " sgesti tatigicanuonfi "thb-tcrritdry fs'asL ridiealoua thnVK:wcro!;soi.ibr,5ii5 Wtfee nnns, tbVflKof'; 'But, Jjwbi' citizSshavo Xf public nrsenalf jthoYnatfo slie bYenJ,isppsci ndmuske tHjiodisposit ncvr beencalled fori .. B ftwiy ,repnrtf. 'torjwnlmiiblaw is 'tabcin' statutes are pfiinaud; nrfus'.W the tTern(oiy;ahe cfinrge dsCto6 ridic.ulo.nsto -iperj Pcriotenlajba TcjUy; ..onVjvhri;wo) UiihaVoTer: hjs'pfctentlVsjllVowig positiq tjofgh Wej W:b;ale-rerWctfchT. spuresr hiE-lfo : nicntsiiro, faUc,.unt'tuenvery pamcniar? a.udjfurniih'y ond:tnatiort-with auotliejr ! evidence ofjthedeep ;schcmiug. and un-j un-j tlrjngl'td)prs,6f- conupthnXv.to jiiWrpre-aenl jiiWrpre-aenl .Utah, favoring pet .schcines' of. derj and lookingyfonvard to fie" Btin morViichdish rfjoleitig;tover the bloody hOrnjrsof a fratcrpjitwar.v , ; JTwooihVitcinsinont notice of the cOrresiipndence'ontho 2Sm prcflhejsig-nne:6fth prcflhejsig-nne:6fth we .are i 3one for tli? prescat . I f ajijaffida-Ti.was ajijaffida-Ti.was made by anyflue to ihetaatter set forth, by iieljardi wasd.oh:bov fore the CMefns oadrthe' afflant-Isa pcrjuredwuiidrcj,, Againr tpachtng thech.aVac.tcrnd b,e'Ari mau, And also Ooverno.Commfng,, wo Ijavo to fay, ctjiaV thef avonioil faltli-fully faltli-fully boruo'the fipirltofthcir coipaijsslon as federal ohVccrs. lo the most, Lorable mnnuer.sinco tlielr1 arrival iu thfs U.rri-tory, U.rri-tory, and could the same have been said Of RichirdtA we hMJJd,idtjgthat the Tim whVe fdWtbmfe pen" toJ'iSi columns. t S. |