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Show Number 5 -Notice is hereby given by the ctty oonccil of manti city, of the ititr ntlon of said eonncil to make the following described improvement, to wit: l'hp. extension of water mains in water districts numbers 4 and 23. District Dis-trict number 4 commences at a point on Main street, intersecting Third North street and running west fonr (4) hi -cks on Third North street, probable eost of nine hundred aud forty dollars (1940.) District number 23 commences at a point on Main street intersecting Second South street, and running west three and one half (3)j) blocks on S cond South street, probable cost of eight hundrhd and thirty dollars (f 330.) The estimated costs thereof are to be met by a local assessment upon the lots or pieefs nf ground within the following follow-ing described districts, being the districts dis-tricts to be affected or benefited by said injprovt luent, viz. All lots or parcels of land lying on eithej side, to a depth cf 13 rods, of the specified streets of the proposed mains. All protests and objections to the carrying ont of such Intentions most be presented ia writiDg to the city reci rder on or before the 21tt of March. 1892, being the time 86, by said council when it will hear and consider such objections as may be made there to. By ordef of the city council of Manti City. N. W. Anderson, City Recorder. Catid February 27th im. |