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Show NOTICE OF ENTRY OF LAND. "Notice is liereby given by theuntlursifrnocl , the mayor of Motoni city, in Sanpete county, that I have enttrtd, at (he United Siafes land oflicr; at Salt Lake city. Vtah territory, for ftnd in behalf of the inhabitants of Movoui city in Sanpf-te county, Utah tenitorv, the following described hunt, to wir: The 9mib half of the south-west quarter of section two; the nortti-east nortti-east qua ner of the north-f-ast quarter of section sec-tion nine ; the north half of the north-vest quarter and north -east quarter of section ten, and the north est quarter of section eleven, all in the township ot iifteen aouth, of rantre three east of Salt Lake meridian, Utah territory, terri-tory, and contuiniug live hundred and twenty acres. Public notice is hereby given to ail claiming to be tlie riatitlul owners 'of possession, posses-sion, ecnijiant or occupants, or to be entitled to the occupancy or possession of such land as above described, or to any lot, block, I share or unreel thereof,, to file with the clerk of the probate court of Sanpete county, a statement in writing containing an accurate description ofthe particular parcel or parcels of land in whffh he, stie or they claim to have any interest, and tijt; speeitic ricrht, interest, or estrite therein, which he, shy or they claim to be entitled to receive. Said statement to be filed within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, Dated at Moroni city, February 23, A, r,lS92. AnijRev L. Jensen .Mayor of Moroni City. |