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Show I am, acd always Lave been of the opi;iiou that party po'ities have do business in thi acho d mho. and bavo tow rued myself arc-n Jitiijiy, the mali-ciou mali-ciou i accusations of 'X' to the canarary, notA-i'ltuiiiiiiiR. 'innr Hi. -- c -; ;. :, .: ... ;, in Ud i on, ! -.: ' .-s r.Oii ili- tends buii.. .:. ... ; ,c:,. i,,.v.:.g already al-ready commenced tie f.ruii'.tivii. lender the headline, "He's Off liis Base," ' Principal " i ites. to tin. editor of The Pyramid: ' I desiic. t !:r. ugh your worthy olmiiiis, to nfi.te ihe charge or an'inatiiuis made against me bv 'X,' rifjidei us kick r in jour las: issue. Whenever he says I've made the teacher' chair a political s-tunip, or that I spend my time promulgating MOUNT PLEASANT. From the Pyramid of March 5: The poultry show at Monnt Pleasant was a success. Mrs. F. A. Dillingham went to Salt Lake city Wednesday returning yesterday. yester-day. oii -is May Wilcox left for Scbofleld yesterday morning to remain a few months. Mrs. Lauritzen of Doier, came up to attend the funeral of her father, Peter Nielson. Miss Alice Chatterton of Salt Lake is visiting her brother Samuel Chatterton in this city. Mr. Peter Nielson. father of Mr. J. S. Nielson, of this place, died in this city last Wednesday. The two bands have received the new music ordered by them conjointly and practiced on it Thursday evening. Lawrence Winters, Byron Carter and 31vern Swensen returned Tuesday from tho Provo Brigham Young academy. The young folk at Mr. George Wilson's Wil-son's were surprised Wednesday evening even-ing by a number of their young friends. Mount Pleasant's first mafquer.ide ball was "a rolling sucofss." It took place last Tuesday. 130 persons being in masked costumes. Drs. Woodring and Allen made an examination of Hjrnm Hansen's condition, con-dition, who lost a limb recently, and reporthis case as serions. Mr. and Mrs. J, Msyrlck lost an infant child from diphtheria last Sunday. O.ie or two other members of the family are affected but are improving. Miss Carrio Anderson who has been making her home at Grand Junction the last seven months arrived In Mount Pleasant on Monday's train. Tom Braby came in from the desert this week where he 'has been since New Years. "Never saw sheep in better condition," is his report, coinciding with all others. This has been an unequalled un-equalled winter for sheep. The sheep owners of Sanpete connty are in convention at Manti this afternoon after-noon for the purpose of organizing an association to mutually protect their industry. A number of our citizens are in attendence. Fnll account next Wtek. Thomas Loog'iney gave an entertainment entertain-ment in the Co-op hall last evening, giving an interesting aud impressive history of our late civil war by means of his steriopticon views. It Is the finest thing of the bind we. have ever witnessed and should be seen by every man, woman and child iu the country. |