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Show PROFKS-UONAI.. ri B. NEW TO V, 1 . rainier and lirc;;itor. Artistic Slsu W rk a Specialties. Slant i, It.ili. QTRINGHAM STRISO II AM. j Sentinel Art l'tulor-i. I'liotottrar-liiTS Main Street, .Manti.' H.SPERKT TONSOP.lAl. ARTIST Manti, L'tuh. J J. HANSEN, General Uousebnildi'T. 1. O. Box M, Manti, I'tab. Boc Til A WILSON", MtoriiBvs at Law ami Land onice Asont-23 Asont-23 North J street, Prove, t tali THE MANTi ROLLER MIL LS : LOUIS F, BEOKER, LESSEE.. the BEST u hades op flour iT- Ord.T ...III C.ITfM. -l.d.-hlV f-Mlicilfd. Custom Work a Specialty. THE TEMPLE DRUG STORE TilUtE 15 ALWAYS ON II IM A H I I SlTI't Y OF I.ily of the Valley i VALLKY TAN KKMKI'IKS White R8 l KAi'R Ton I'KKS White Lilue PERFl.'MES I '(!. t UIX'S I.INillENT Jockey ("Inh Nes Mown Hay J CA x'FIFI P TKA - PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT ALL HOURS. TAILORING EST A UT.IsUMEXT. Work, Style, Fit and Trices Guaranteed Guar-anteed to Suit. Tailors Trimmings Always on Ilaiul. Snit3 Made to Order on Short Notice. EDWARD REID, - Proprietor. Wm. T. Re i d, riiOBAir: .i no its r. y A. "INT 13 BAID A- O E-CsT Au kiHUS of Probate busings promptly at tended to, and tiUfS secured to Land under the vnr-ous entries Office, Court House. Manti. Utah. THE MANTI Mercantile Institution Invite altet tion to their latge and varied assoilmei.t ol laJ.es Kewmaikets, Jack-els Jack-els and Shawls, misses' and children's Wraps, l.ulies'and misses' Muslin and Merino underwear; men and boys' . rSiiits, Overcoats, llals, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Ilublers, - Arctics, Hose, Gloves and Milieus, Fascinalots in greal vatielv; Satin, Moire and Velvet Ribbons in all shades; 54-fnch all-wool Simiiis at 60 cents per yard; Cashmeies from 25 cents to $1 25 per yaid. Wilkes & 6ba(iw;'ik. LAND AGEMTS AND ATTORNEYS SALT LAKE CITY, - lT'J API. MASOXS & MONUMENTAL STONE CUTTERS. - DEA1ER3 Is 'Oolite and Marble Monuments . Head Stones, Etc, ""Stone Yard' opposite Tuhing OMct?" on Main street, Manti. GITY DEUG STOEeT HF.ADQUARTLsS FOR V lire TAugs, Medicines, Soaps, Perfumery. Per-fumery. Toilet Articles. Etc. Perssripiions CaifuZly .lied at all r.o'.yrs. MRS.!. B. J3RUNEL, Prop XE3JNriTX!S,r. S3TFIRST-CL ASS WORK " 6EHTI.E trehtmebt-buVrahteed. MANTI, - - - Tl'A" TUTTLE & STACJLY, lire Insurance. MANTI. - - " ' '.UTAH Authorized Agents for t lie fol lowing Companies : Etna of nartfor.l,- Hartford nf ILirlfm-.l CuntlnentaloIS. t. Home of N. w oik. fjolunibia of Portland. Ohio. h'enrie stonecutters and carvers. A Specially. Cut Rock Fronts for Buildings Neatly Neat-ly Executed. Two blocks West of I.owry's Slorc, Manti The Temple Hotel ! Main Street, ManK. First Class Accommodations All those visiting the Temple shaiil l inquire in-quire for this honse. Kree conveyance to the Temple every day. Also Hay, Grain and Stablmg. John E. Meizalf (Proprietor. BARNARD WHITE, J. F. GRANT, F. R. SNOW, President. Vice President. Secretary and Treasurer. W. 3. PRESTON, MORONI SNOW, W. W. BURTON, GEO. A. SNOW. DIRECTORS. JayEyeSee KS? Canton Sulky Hfgpf Clipper Plows Steel plows lYIcCORMACK fVSACHINES CONSOLIDATED IMPLEMENT CO. We always cai rv a full stock of Wagons. Btigjies and farm implements. Houses at Salt Lake, Ogden, Logan a Milford, L'lah; and Idaho Falls, Idaho. Manti Co-op, -" - - - ' Agents. - C.&.WU-KES. OFFICE i 0. S- LAND OFFICE BUILDING- Land Agent& Attorney Obtains Patents for Agricultural and Mineral Lands. |