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Show Live Stock Points. Henry Gibbons, a prominent farmer near Wilkesbarre, Pa., was gored to death recently by a bull that he was trying to lead out of the stable. He died almost instantly. The hornless bull should be encouraged. encour-aged. The approved average iu weight for a Dutch belted cow is 1 ,000 pounds. These cows give a large yield of milk iu proportion pro-portion to their size. Every year poor horses go lower in price and good ones go higher. The principal thing in the cattle trade just now is the wrangling of rival stock' yards. Horse breeders want a sire that matures ma-tures early, has the fewest possible blemishes blem-ishes and has a good pedigree behind him. This kind of horse, with a first class mare, will bring most profit to breeder and farmer. Remember that nothing is better for hogs than the ashes of corncobs as an aid to digestion. Wherever you can get this secure it. ' Coal cinders or fine coal dust with shorts is good for hogs. You cannot bear it in mind too strongly strong-ly that in breeding you must weed out all inferior and scrub stock. Never under any circumstances breed from a poor animal. It will grade your, stock down instead of up. This is true of every kind of live stock. The best corncrib you can have is a fine Jot of cattle, hogs and sheep. Stand's trainer, Marvin, to Robert Bonner, "Barring accidents, next year we will put the mark where it will be above high water mark while yon and 1 live, 1 think." Some first class Shropshire lamb3, raised in Indiana, were sold in the Chicago Chi-cago market recently at six dollars a head. Any state swine breeders' association or any swine record association may be admitted to membership in the National Swine Breeders' association by the annual an-nual payment of ten dollars, entitling each to ten votes, and any respectablo breeder or feeder of swine may become a member by the payment pf one dollar annually, entitling him to one vote. A farmer who writes to renew tho subscription to his paper says that ho pays for it with the money his hens earned. Good idea. |