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Show Although the people under this umbrella are out of sight, some genllema:. or lady will find ' The Harris Self-Waiting Table yPfh is not, aud I am here to dispose of the county right to sell the same to the right person in Lt?v MP cr-sS Saupte county. Call on or -address me at the Temple hotel. Manli, Utah. The table will be ,J ClfT ou exhibition next Monday at the hotel. HENR Y P. OLSEN. .,......,.. i James Metcalf, Preident 5 ,ra 8 "''". 5 J.C.Witbeck. VicPrest. flJ-.-l-- i ..! H. ClrM.nsen, ; Albert Tattle. Treasurer t I : James Cowcn, Marnigpr.; : Henry McReniia, :; ) N . 'l.'hristeiiyp'ii. THE CEITTAI, U . j fljj VI 0 0 ; COMPANY DEALER IX Wool - Hides - Pelts - Twine - Wool Sacks Etc. I' fiilios wishing sacks will rail on TUTTLE & CO, - - Manti. Utah. LITERARY. , , 1 DOMESTIC Bend five cents isiamDs) to convince us that ven warn samme copy. Auuresa W Oman s Woes. Athens. 03k 'iShfl'iiit 'ir i I-1nlTMfr-A ..1..'!ftJ...iMiy.- u " : -Vf 'rlV. irr-"-'rfr POETRY Mother's Corner Queries &. Answers Original and of tiie hie!ie:;t A cozv place to rest and learn. "Better thin in any other ch-.uc.-. .(.. ,. HOME PHYSICIAN --' " - r- LITERATURE " The best health department CORRESPONDENCE Pure, fascinating, improving. to be luuu.l. A chattv pa?, full c.OxBeri. FLORAL PAGE BOYS AND GIRLS y ence and B..d suli.ns. AEemofbeautyandvalac. Oou'.i'. ' OTHER DEPARTMENTS FANCY WORK ' COOKING ' ' ' pasinganTa! u a"!?: A department that will please Our special pride und tha- W om an's Work instil t job. huustwiu a apetiul Lciy. een to bi appreciated. E. M. WORKS PROPRIKTOR OF TRE All kindsot Sidiii), Moulding, Klui'i i i i . floors, Windows. Sashes eli'. ronstaiill) nn hand and iudi lo order. M EVANS 22 Hud 21 West Se-ond South St. . Silt Like l-ily, Utah. Stringham " & " Stringham, THE BABY SNATCHERS. ARE GOOD AT TAKING BABIES' Fotografs while you wait but they are not like this et:hing. Beware of imitations imi-tations and get a genuine picture of yourself. tine mtii'K vts: miiu trie lemptn imiei. 'D.B.'rSb. I "D.JMi"eRnY & co. u 1 detroiTjJ.i.:-:i. ; I 'i FERROP4 CO-OP. PFALER3 IN General Merchandise Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, and Everything Belonging to a First-class . Store. Goods Cheaper than at any other House in the County. Largest Store South of Price. Ferron - - - Utah, Hi nJuciet Candy Co, 850 E. 1st St. AO Wholesale and Retail Dealers la Sporting ods Guns, Ammunition. Cutlery, Fishing Tackles, Base Ball Goods. Shooting Clothing, Cloth-ing, Rcbber Coats, and Boots, Thomson Boots and Shoes, l)urub Bells, Fencing Koils and Masks, Indian Clobs,. Boxing Gloves, Chapperel Leggings Poker Che ks. Playing Cards, Dominoes; Pate Mtch St'ei, b'iell and Opera. Glasses. HEADQUARTERS FOR Bicycles. Ti-IeydW, Yaloeipedes Police goods, Large Stock of Spectacles and Eye Glasses. See me before nvrlmainrr n Physician and Suvgeon. Special atten'lou given tothp nose ami throat. Fairvlew City, Utah. Salt JLiEl.o Oity, HEADQUARTERS FOR Fritz Brothers Cigars. The Largtst Sir-am Factory in the West. MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Candies for the Retail Trade. eral repairing. PATENT TeT1 A 48 pise hook free. Aildresn W. T. Y1i GERALD, Att'y-at-Ltw Cor, etu and V &is , Washington, D. C. 'iTuiTisfvfS r v., l ' l nv is tc Tl T 5 v I U. O cmpso. !6 UNIOH SQUARE. M. y (liu aBU for"saFbv" Z4 fwilsic Stoic. Jr A.Marker, IDAHO FALLS. DEALER IN ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF . Musical Instruments, Strings &; Trim niinsis. Best Biass Band Irstiuments. All kinds, Orchestra cc Band Music, Sheet Music and Music Books. Send for my new Catalogue Just out ! it has a sketch of Ole B.ull's Violin : Playing in it and much good informa- j '.ion in for musicians Send me your orders for what you want in the Music line. ' |