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Show XJVSSJX GiypFaclofij Salt Lalce City, Husler & Wallace, Proprietors, MANUFACTURERS OF Silven Brand Fine Our goods are made of the purest and fraahett materials and are at all time guaranteed. ,.i E. R. CLUTE, Manager, DRIVER MERCANTILECOMPANY WholPf-nle (in.) Retail 2U houll: Main Street, SALT LAKE CITY. the People in this Country we wi'l giiur.tiUe-j a Saving of tea J- per cent 0,1 their GROCER.IH3 if they will send their order: to us. In buying from n you do not have 'o piy the second profit bf cause we buy oiir g.-idda ns cheap as the jobber, and can therefor sail cheaper than those who are compelled to trade with the loal joVber. TTtTTj iilfu. handle OiitP, Wheat, Corn and Seds will pay highest J ' market price (or all kinds nf (Irnin, sa""i;i:if.miii:k tun'lace, 214 hoi main street, Fgrande W ester n . ........ oaswBox: and 1I1T0MIGH MUSEUM 53 tO 59 ff- SOUTH TEMPLE ST., OPPOSITE THE TEMPLE. p A M AGNIGICENT EXHIBITION OF WAX FIGURES. BQTfl-L BQTfl-L single and in groups, representing different events and persons; of the same cliaractei as the Eden Musee ot New York city, and CtMca-go, CtMca-go, with an Anatomical Department added. The finest work of the best artists, both iu Europe aud America, have beeu prosur! regaidlsM of expense . THE MANTI ROLLER MILLS X O U1S F. BECK&R, Lessee. MANUFACTURER OF THE BEST GRADES OF FLOUR. Orders aud Corresponder.ee Solicited Custom Work a Specialty. LOCAL TIME TABLE. No, 6 No. 6 Pass- STATIONS. Passenger Pass-enger enger 8 00 ' Ar Odgea l 8 00 8 82 Layton 8 24 S 2? Eaysrille 8 2S 5 14 Lake Shore 8 39 6 06 Wood's Cross 8 46 450 Ly SaIt Ittkfl Ar 900 4 45 Ar Balt Latte Lv 9 10 4 81 Franklyn 9 22 4 4 Bingham Junction 9 29 418 ' Draper 9 S9 4 03 Jordan Narrows 9 48 8 52 Halstead 10 01 J 51 Lehl - 10 02 8 4o American Fork 10 10 - 8 89 Battle Creek 10 18 5 JO Provo 10 40 8 09 Springville Junction 10 51 8 00 Mapleton 11 00 2 48 Caatella Springs 11 15 2 2i Thistle Junction 1125 2 19 Asphalt 11 46 P. M- 2 02 Nebo 12 04 1 40 Indlanola 12 25 1 13 Hill Top 12 51 1 02 Miibnrn 1 02 18 47 Fairvlew 1 16 12 ti Mt, Pleasant 1 84 12 12 Spring City 1 49 , H. 11 4 Epnraim 2 15 1183 MANTI 233 1108 Sterling 2 60 10 6S Gnnnison 3 05 10 87 iVIUow Creek 3 20 10 20 Lv Salin Ar 3 40 D, C. DODGE, A. S. WELBI, Grant Mgr. Gen'l. Snpt. J. H. BENNETT, Q.P.&T. A mr -kopp Manufacturer of FINE CANDIES, S4 W. Second South St., SALT LAKE CITY. Special Sttentton to the To The Public From XLhc Bmcrtcan (Tlotbing (To. OXE DOUR EAST OF OULLEX HOTEL- fie have bought a $10,000 Euukrn.pl Mor.k of CLOTHING in Jeic York City and wehaue not got room to put than in this start-Therefore start-Therefore we will offer our entire stock of CLOTHING, HATS, CJPX. FURNISHING- GOODS and BOOTS and SHOES at "WISOHiHJ A.HaEI OOST for Thirty Days to make room for the n ew goods. . Now People this is no HUMBUG but a GENUINE SUlM COME AND BE CONVINCED and call for one of our souvenirs. E. J. WALTER & CO,, 3 W. Srseaad Sautfr Straet, ' SALT LAKE CifY, - - Ask Your for Provo Woolen Ooods. Ebg sre the beat in tbe martet. John C. Cutler & Brother Are agents for the Mills at No. 36 Main Street, Salt Lake City. P M r ) iV J 4 i rvi h ?n t o v n PA kp 1 1 j cm 4 fo r 1 i hf Yx !f IF 1 r i I r if V K 1 X f "5 - dY 1 r -I r 3 jr ) LJ Lj Lj LJ J LJ LJ vLJciL-j VLJlL-JvJlJ L3 LrJ Barlfi flimatire '& Cm&tGO ) fc All Work Guaranteed. . ' Oaa It louglat Now at Tour Own Fric, Jlw :J renown we yine... -Vf(Mt) Reraeirrper Tlx Place, Kfettoaife- o . . -iir mh EMS FURN TORE and CARPET COMPANY, |