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Show ! . nt tl.i W'e-i farmer are balding -' '";!;,.t for higher price?, so that :.:.':'. ;T' ji-ir, it'll, but tho general r p-iv.'iv exceptionally qatet. !' ' ;; 'f ti i-nni'.-.M continues Urge. . v" -n ex-.e.if.itin iliy good on ni al:fev-gh mon-y is in I l IntTeiifisj demand at ' i p 'is-ie, the supply for all ,- I'-i'"-..;.; l..fi' '- is a.nplo. ! i i x ports I'.ivn ceased, foreign ex-.!i.i-. Im il oiiiii'il. and the general , miirsi-i i :t j-.vs.-iii wiihout a disturb- j :.-;'. r.:u: h nc, on the whole, i "tv ftiu.ich !o have a disturbing in- il : Vi ;i'!t ipL-overe.i bat j -r? h.iva been only ti,uOO,000 I i ! We-'U-rn receipts in fonr d iys j ..iVi i -i-ii O.iiaoooo bushel , while the .'I'.i fnuii Aiimtic porta have been ;:..: i. .!.. i-oreigu advices no longer ' .1.1 ai;;i;Miul deuiaud. Cfiit has cVc-Iined 2.4 and oats . ! Si-scuii.lon In cortou lias been larger, t.-8 r -vhi-i,; 750,00-) bal-s. and the j price h.w be ii advanced 3-ltic by the cow.-iiiK of sLurt sales. Heir products are a shads stronger, hut oil is ?uc lower, and In coffee spec Qiation has advanced the price ljc. Business at Boston is sound and large in volume. Improvement is seen In grot-cries at Philadelphia. Trade Is improving im-proving in paints, oils and glass. At Baltimore it is satisfactory, though quiet Kith the South. Pittsburg trade is satisfactory and gradually increasing At Ciuciunatti. the wholesale j -welry trade reports sales in August 50 per cent greater than last year. Easiness at Cleveland Is improving in nar!y all directions and especially In rolled products and in lumber, which hun advanced $2g3 par thousand. At Detroit business is increasing in dry goods, drugs and shoes. General trade at Chicago exceeds last year's fertile Pains week, with good praiict. At St. Louts trade increases with large di-tiibution pf goods, a free move iii out cf grain and buyers In larger litiuil. -rsthau usnal. Business is healthy at- Vat wanker; very active at Omaha, and shows a marked Increase at 8t. Paul At Denver trade is very satisfactory, but no improvement is seen at Salt Lake. Receipts of cattle and shoep are heavy at Kansas City.- At Memphis trade is improving, and at New Orleans cotton is in better demand and sugar stronger, active. Pig iron is firmer. Some Alabama furnaces have been advancing ad-vancing the price 25c, bnt bar Iron is slightly ea4er; some slacking is seen in platas, and on the whole tea price of fl ashed products is not qnite so large. Saits of copper at 1130 are reported, and lead at $4.10, with tin steady at 20.75. Coal is active in retail trade. Actual sales In August, the Lehigh .Valley avaraged jc below the schedule. Iu wool increasing aotivity Is seen, sales far exceeding last year', and carpet wools are especially firm and scarce. Foreign exchange has suddenly I brokoii "down to $5.86, while money for three weeks show a decline of 25 per cent from last year, bnt stocks have been stronger, .advancing on the average about $1 per share daring the week, with some indications that foreign investors in-vestors are buying in moderate amount The business failures occnrrlng throughout the country during the last seven days number 211, as oompared with totals cf 182 lastweek. cor the corresponding week of last year the figures fig-ures were 244. Oun & Co's Trade Raview. R. G. Dnn & Co's weekly review of trade says: The alarm about cholera has vanished and trade in every direction shows all the improvement that was expected. The South is a little dull because cotton is low in price and lute, hut a little improvement has been seen daring the past week. In a few guar- |