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Show (So. 169.) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Salt Lake Ctty.Ctah. Angust IStth, 1W2 Kotlceis heteby given that the following-named following-named settler has filed notioe of his intention to maze final proof In support of bis claim, and that aaid proof will be made before the Clerk o the County Court of Sanpete county. Utah, at JlantU'tah, on Saturday Oct. 1st, IBM viz: George D. Pescook Jr., gitardlau of tbe Berson ana estate of Georse D. Peacock, lneane :omeptead Entry So.71K, for the E S W Ji and S W It of S w X, Section a Twp, 16 8 E S E. He namea the following witnessesa to prove his continuos residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Franklin W. Snow, Alfred E. Peterson, liiels C. Cbrlsiensen, George Feacock, all of Sterling, Sterl-ing, Sanpete county Utah. Bird & I.owe, FEASS D, HOSS3, A ttya for applicants Register -t 18. |