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Show Washington Letter. Representative Ilolman, who h kro-.vu to congressional fame as"t!i.j great oh-jector" oh-jector" and the '(ratehdng uf the tre.-ury,"is tre.-ury,"is a firm belieier in thf ultimate coiameieial union of the entire Ait-ri-cau coutineut. What be moans by commercial com-mercial union is that the trade betv.e- u i-very natiu in America Khouli be a-free a-free as that which now exists betwes n the states cf our uuiou, and thai a uat form tariff upon artieics from o-.!;er psrts of the vrorld should be ad ipf.d by all of the Americau naticna. He pre diets tnat tho ilea will be earrit-J out within the next tbrity years in its entirety en-tirety aad that one tariff will bj jr; eif,Ci fioin Alaska to Cape Horn, i r, Hoiuiac sas he can see no good reason suv Cae-ada Cae-ada aad Mexico should no, hrne such a acemmei cial union with lbs L'ui;ec suttee, ilr. Hoiuiaa's opiuiOiis ure al-aJ3 al-aJ3 entitled to lespeet, and they usua!. ty get it, but in this case the opi-u eu-I eu-I -lorsers are few: likewise the opeu op-puuents, op-puuents, Iu ta'at the question s regard ed as one that may become of great political po-litical importance in the near future and tue aiad poliaciaa i-i not aux-lous aux-lous to express aa opinion until he h .i aceriatiieJ the trend of popmar seuii-rneut. seuii-rneut. , ihe Hj-.isb wa.. s ad maaud eooiaiittee iavuis the- repeal of the 6ugar bouut la-v.iiud it ispiuoauie that lltecommitt t win ui.k.- a IdVoraOlo report on K vre-seiiiutiva vre-seiiiutiva Scott'd bill providing lor in-rept-al. R 'preseniatife Scott claiiuj that a canvass he nB made of the Lbust and Senate shows that the bill will pa?? out otters say that unless is be uniend-.-o' so as to put a tax on foreign eujar u will ba impossible to get it through the tieiiate. There is an impression, hov.-ever, hov.-ever, that if the bill get j to tne S. uai: a number of republican s.intors v;.,v supported the bjuuty clause of tie ii.-Kiulcy ii.-Kiulcy taiill bill under compulsion giaaly vo;e for iu repeal as a m.cu r ,! p. i icipla- Tlie i w o Lomsi ,i a s.-ua.i r ana S.u.ttor P tier ato exp-ci ! r,j vj.e sgaiuot iep,i,l, ua;j. Uic;r s-.ig.ir rai, iag coLstiiueuts ore p:o.e.'t-d bv a t.-.s. n foreign so ilt, bn?iiO cae is .et-iiie! ..f i'eiigrees having restjreJ tho tax o an ar. ice alter having onie Ukm 1 eff.and prtcedent al.vays piajsau iu du-.iitiiil pAi't in CJUjressiouai legi-,1.:-iUii. A maj-j; i:y of the Se. a e eeu:si.i;!u -u loieittale Cemmerce aic sdi.i ;o fivu; hb hUitudiuel.t to tho inteiitut.' c-. tu merce law which v'ai rtfCeut.y as!;.-. f.j Oj itp.-eseuutivca of a uujj er of r.;:.-rea r.;:.-rea I companies, peim 'Uiug pjoiiu.; height?, but tefore such an aiuea-1 uf!l 4-ta thruusu censr ..iiej e iil . Sjine very pi ,iu tais fr-. I ,0 o K - 0.e "j i.i'iiea l jioUtig. 3.-li.iter PeiK.us ia iu tr.,,;; J, , iLiu Mi idea of .ki.kugt s::,tct ui -f Iauiaa rerritory. lis v.t.-Kt that i. i t-e oniy t,j ..t.hie aa.l liniuesi-like :ie te;i-v:-5 r-,ere i4 goj ch.uce foi 'it -o get -..M-iiUi-i ueii-iiig i.,,. sjjiju, Age. tli.aiKiio ,Uoa ma ;j3 iJ t iredietunj iaiia;kl iu my h.ad i. iLli :"tuij that if J.-rry Simyj-ja h-i-i uvt g.-t i-.-cicd iu tiio Sji-ate he v,.ii;u o: b .-.Qi-piised to see him uia-!e b-ci-ary cf Agriculture. Wh-.-a I 4::.;.u;.:.l to !sCe: tjiu his reason for eaiiuz so hi sh-.t up iiite a clam and said he as nn tiiking for publication. |