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Show CECnrXfARlES OF STATE. rh.'i-.l '.""ere Just Thirty of Tiieui Itefoi-e Foster Came In. .- '-rc-.nry i- oscer is the thirt'-first oc-cnnttri oc-cnnttri r.l too oice. Seven out of the it i,i li bun 1-urn. p i kr r tr l ,r 1 3n Hi"! t 111 Cm iims. Van lint-en and IIu. h:in- i;-.e. joim -lars-liall. became chsei iri'-L1..1 of the supreme court. ..I:mv of tin' nilicrs rr ere the leaders of the par-l;( par-l;( Tvh.i ruissed the presidencv onlv Ive t ' i n l J lA rf th e n h 1 t l rMM-u? before him he may well eon'"r:r.r.-hite eon'"r:r.r.-hite himself. says the .eu- ork Atlvor-u Atlvor-u .er. on tretliu- liiio sueh di;.Lino-iusied In aaditionto the frreat nameRali-eadv i i it i 1 li t the olIm r, I 1 m i li-jn loleii. -lircothv 1'iekerinir. Robert Ninia. Uonry Clav. Ldward j.iviiit- i I l "I L n lohn I l Djr.; '1 We bster. Hutrh Leo-are. A'oel P. I plr,i;-. Jtihn . . Catnoun. John t.i.iv-t t.i.iv-t 11 II r rett lllnut Mn 1 v i ( T ' S hi 1 A ill l II. Seward. F.lihu B. ashbnmo. i!i-.r.i-ilt v.i li:,h. ,miara II. Evarts. I. r. I- reiinc-huvsen. Thomas F. Lavard ami .tamer, ( r. luame. J wo of these served at diiTeivnt riir.e and under difrere-nt pre-i-1 Wb i i un 1 r lain M Ilavriuin and Fillmore, and Kiain.. nn i i 1 1 1 nl h n n l II i son. There are now two Mvtario-i Mvtario-i ro: ier and .two caouiet olu.-. r ; l:-.-..i one Btato. For the latter there r.rc-mo.nv r.rc-mo.nv preecilents. but for tiie f -.r:n: r nrne. thta beins- the first time that two m.n ot the same name have ever tai. n; a cabinet toa-ether. |