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Show NOTICE. In tiie Probate Courfof the coanly of Sanpete, San-pete, Territory of Utah lr, the matter of the estate of Sarah L. Pea cock, aeeeaseu. Order appointing time for Probate of will, sam direc"nS Pnblication of notice of the It Is hereby ordered . that Monday the 80th day of January 1S93 at a o'clock, a. m of said day at the court room of said cour,, ac the Court House in the county of Sanpete be, and the same is hereby appointed the time for proving tbe last Will aud Testament of Sarah L. Peacock, deceased ; and hearing the application applica-tion of William H. Peacock for letters testamentary, testa-mentary, and auy person interested mav appear ap-pear and contest the said wi,l, and may file uujections ia writing to the Erantin8 of letters testamentary to said petitioner. It is further ordered, That not leg be "iven thereof by tbe clerk of said court, by publication publi-cation not lets than ten days, three successive issues bolore the said 3l)tb day of January 1S03, in the Refortur, a new.siiaper printed and published in .Manti city, Sanpete county, Utah Territory ; and that notices be poste-1 according, to law. Jacob Johnson. , Probate Judge . Dated January 4th, le92. Territory of Utah j Stnjiete County. ) I, John Reid Clerk of tbe Probate Court in and for Sanpete county, Utah territory, hereby certify that ihe foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the "Order appointing time for probate of will in the matter of the es-of es-of Sarah L. Peacock, deceased : and now on file in my office. Witness my hand aud official seal this 4th day of January, 1S9J. Jofjn Reid, Probate clerk. " J 6 3 t |