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Show i som J.; of jfiiut, ami as the mentally I . ui . ieil " i 1 1-1 1 have poor appetites and I leel,le dijrostive powers, they are not 1 m 1 i 1 i ,nv i r ma. very marked detn-oe, and t!w are. therefore, i particularly liable to .sailer lrom pool-man pool-man skuhI. htiemmeaily tins question jt terms and ilelinitions has little or no interest, beeause, as we have already said, (rout is irout. and can never be anything else. But from a practical point of view the Mibie'-l is well worthy of the consideration of all intelligent Ancient tstone Cutting: Toob-An Toob-An investigator, who lived durinrr two years in a tomb at Gizeh. has collected col-lected evidence to prove that the tools used m woi-kin? stone four thousand t-ars apro had leweled euttinrr edij-os like modern tools. He says that the builders of the pyramids used solid and tubular tools, straight and circular saws, and raanv other tools supposed to be modern. Ia some specimens of yramte a drill had sunk one-tenth of an mill at each revolution, mdicatmo- that j the pressure was at least two tons-p.otlimg' tons-p.otlimg' is known of the material of I the tools. As the diamond w.-is sc"e then, it is probable that corundum was used. There Is Sued a Disease, mod Its Cause Is Anxiety. Acquired pout is usually one of the ' consequences of errors and excesses of I met. Those who cat too much and drink too much wine are. as is weil known, very frequently the sulnects of the disease, Lilt it is by no means so te!l known that beer is a prolific cause of cunt. The fact is so. however, if the i London Hospital is to bo believed. I 1 icdericic Roberts, m "ljuain s Dictionary Diction-ary of Medicine." tells us that brewers' draymen are particularly subject to gout. Malt houors. Dr. Cohort--, considers, con-siders, stand next to wine as originators fe t t l 1 ill inUnnh (n thu oilier hand, are said to be mib-h less mischievous in this connection. Iirew-crs Iirew-crs ui avmcn, thoucrh poor in pocket, do not generally suiter irom tbe poe.r maiVs gout. m the contrary, their gross and ponderous pon-derous bodies are gorged with the products of their own excesses- s..ie oi them, it is said, drink as much as two to four trail. -.lis of beer a day Sir 'If 1 ( in 1 a i"i t nt i tl i t s tl it 1 Ilk mtith i in p. a potent cause of gout. o less tim t-.tinv per cent, ot Dr. (inn-oil's ho-pifil Palienls owed their gouty seizures to wonting' among- lead. Many of these l I il 1 pin si 1 gie 11 p ir poor m blood and tissue: and they would, no doubt, sutler from what i-' i-' 1 tlM 1 . inm, t 1 l m 1 1 i m n 11 e ,1 painters, and others who have to do v. ii Ii lead arc all liable !o the c'i-oas.-It will be proper here to remind i-.-el- " " ' " i- a f ,t.,i |