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Show A rWf Vi) PERFECT PURITY AND SOLUSWtyHT vanmonhib&ccoa BEST AND COtS FARTHEST- 1 permit of its instantaneous preparation and render it Hiprhly Digestible and Nutritious. ,1 " I Win. H K,n.;. I.. l. ilouu. . lunc cl ssoutz, Httornev3at'jlaw. Rooms 6 & 7 First XiU'l Bank EiiihKr ? FROYO CITY, - UTAH. THE MA NT I GROCERY CAiUtlEs A FULL LINK 0i" AND illEifliiEElM H-.-iifiqaarters For Utah ami California i""' V Grown t Vvj JBM Ffaits and Vegetables Free D;-livt-ry to any Part of the City Sentinel 3Slocft, Manti, - - - Utah. 35oetb lUi?son, mtevncat'Xa Lock Box 33S-PROVO, 33S-PROVO, CITY, - - VTA II . A. D. CASH, attoi,ncatiSavv Hoom !5 Bank BuiMuv. VROVO, CITY, I'l'tH. S- K. KlUC. LAWYER. Office m SatftnU Bank t rA:nVf ritofo, - - l' tail S. R,Thurainn, ' !'"M 1;; -"HURMAN & SUTI1KR1.AXD. . Bttorncvai-Xa Knnnis 1 snl 3 I nst Natk !'. '! i!u,W L'aii.twij; PROVO. - - - IT AH. anatjletical Cbcmist r.nJ 3e-;av:r, I.aboratorv No..-t:i North 3 street Price List an rl Sntiirde SaeVs mailed on an plicn.ion. OeeesU Kiar.-d-c- Blo-.k. V. O. Box 15. PROVO. - UTAH FOR OUR n f? ? if- f !w,pnir"1 IflAl P if i II1 j. ib - pfl iilm TUTTiE $e CO. C. S. WILKES, Office in U. S. Land Oltlce Building. Xanb Hocnt " anb IUternc C. Bailey XAND ATTORKEY. OrMce next door to U. S. Land (Kiiee. Salt Lake City. Obtains pattens tm Agricuitnral, Deseret and Mineral Lands Correspondence solicited and information in-formation given. MANTI CITY Capital Stock -Scbplcs - - fit:,ll' DIRECTORS L. T. Tcttle, President. H.J. CHitisrENSEX.Vice Prest. Albeiit Tuttle, Cashier, Peter Dykkng Asst Ca.-lier : J. B. Maiben, James Crawford Jr., Win. G. Crawford, Jas. Metcaif. '.Transacts a Gi-m-ral R i ak ing bsiiicss. Receives deposits payable on demand ' Five per cent paid on saving deposits. i Fireproof Vault. Sale Alisnliitcly Bulbar Proof, Money: f loan St Real Estate, City and Farm Froperty and otlur approved sssurily. fBEED FUBrlJTUBE & GAWtl 00, 2U STATE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. Owing to the enourmous increase in our trade we find oar presetit quarters inadequate to accommodate accommo-date our business, we have closed the contract for the erection of A Mammoth Building, 110x163 feet iu size, which we intend to occupy iu 90 days. Our $100,000 Stock Consisting of Furniture, " Carpets, Queens ware, xxvxxx I Curtains, Stoves, ! x)0ggg ! Ranges, Hardware, -tc- Must be sold at once REGARDLESS OF COST. We don't inten 1 to uijve a Dollar's worth of onr present Stock into our new IiuildiLg. HOU SEKEEPERSi LOOK UP THESE BARG&Si'vIS AT OitJCE When you come to Sait Lake City FREED FURNII-U.RE& CARPET CO. I 'flit' -" ' ' j f ( o RUPTURE; t S PERMANENTLY CURED OR NO PAY, i ,f ( JTo detention from business. Wo refer you to . 800 nalients iu the .State of Colorado and six Ka- Vv. ' Lm 'nal lhink in Denver, also .McCornick It Co., ' Hankers, Salt take. - ' Invc-ilicate our method. Written guarantee to abso- .K iutelv cureall kinds of niTTCKl-; of both sexes, -ft ith- V ) out t he use of KNIFE Oil SYRINGE, uo matter of how ( lout' standing. ,( EXAMINATION FREE. y: , t THE 0. E. MILLER COMPANY, 5e :. ... Rooms 201. 202 and 203 Constitution Block, Salt Lake . ; , , i L'itv. Dllice Honrs. S) to 12 a. m.. 2 to5 p. ra. . ' lake Levator. ISliND FOB CIRCULAR |