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Show PROBATE NOTICE. In Probate Court, Sanpete county. Utah Territory. Ter-ritory. In the matter of the estate of Simon P. w eatfall. deceased. Koticeia hereby siven that the final account ofSlaryE. U'astfall, administratrix of the estate of Simon P. W eatfall. deceased, has been rendered to ald curt for settlement, and that apetitlon for a tinnl distribution ol the ts-late, ts-late, haa been filed with said account and tbat the uth day of Jauuarv. Is-JS, at 3 o'clock P l. bus been dul y appointed by said court for the settlement of eaid account and hearing hear-ing 9aid petition at which time udv person interested in said estate niav appear and Sle his exceetlona, in writing to suid account and contest tho same. ' Johk Reid. Clerk Probate Court, Sanpete county, Uiah. Hated. December 1st. lfcy 4t |