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Show SEEING YOURSELF TALK. j'imU of the I'Jio.ioic.ipe. the I.;t!vit An :mn:mncemcnt was made ;;oiiie vci'::s nri that a I rencliman hn- suc-rco'L1!! suc-rco'L1!! in taicimv inslaiitanooiis pnoro-o-r:ipli-of the hus of a spcaUcr and m ri'iM-inlyining them ma kind oi zoo trope so at; t produce the original movement :oid enable a deaf-mute to nnder.vtand 'ii rt was said, savs the I Tuladelphia Lle.ord. It is uow stated that the inventor has improved on the process, and l.rovirnt out a new apparatus for coml-inm the im:i:vs. tho device being- terni.-d the n:i yii-T-r.eope. Ihe chauovs or the hps i.; L-r-c.:--nfT are so rapid, tnui iilceen pr.oi'.j'HT.phs a second ere reqnirea to -Ave a cod result. The v. hole Uad ::r. 1 bust of tne sxt-aker are reproduced m :h 1 photoirraph so as to fret the bene-hL bene-hL '..i itie expression. Ir the phonoscopes the positives are rirranrrrd around the peripiierv of a (Ii.-j:. v,hu;h is rapidly turned by a handle. A second disk havinir a sinole window in it opposite the plates is nho rouited by the same handle, but r.t a i ma, ii hifrher rate of speed tiiau the otner! i A beam of sunlight illuminates the : p ates irom behind, and the observer, i l-.L'kinp" into the apparatus, sees them pass his eye. one alter the other, in such rapid succession as to produce the eirect of a sinsrle. ima?e endowed with animation, lo produce tins result it is necessary that at least ten or twelve must pass the retina m a second. |