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Show -! ! MATHESON I THE TAILOR Maker of Up-to-date Clothes MILFOPD - - UTAH j i Tonibstones, Monuments and Grave Markers of all kinds at reasonable prices. E. E. JORGEJJSEN, Agent MILFORD, UTAH Phone 13 Notary Public i SAM CLINE Attorn ey-at-Law j I OIIUI.M.Y (IK CALIFORNIA MILFORD - - UTAH . i J. A. 1NGQLS s I M miiig and Civil Engineer II U. S. Deputy Mining Engineer j Cily Engineer j MILFORD UTAH j PHONE NO. fi7 j J I CLINE & BOYER Big Bargains in Good Land Cash or Terms Some Specials in School Lands MILFORD, UTAH E. 0, JORGENSEN I Funeral Director j Licensed Embalmer 1 Phone 4 Milford, Utah Open Day and Night J ' . I S hen in Lund patronize j 1 THE LUND HOTEL Cleanliness, Comfort, i Courtesy, Good Service Reasonable Rates Headquarters for travel throughout Southern Utah LUND, UTAH 3Irs. E. L. Carter, Prop. j 1 C " - K. ' $ We are ready to do plowing:, ' 1 clearing and seeding at very X reasonable rates. 1 T 5- $ We are also agents for the ! Waterloo Boy Tractor i j which is sold on a small pay- J mcnt down and balance in monthly payments which are $ 4 at the reach of every poor man's pocket book. . Add; ess- JJ ; 4 TIER RANCH. - t j MILFORD, UTAH or - J; H. FORTIER 5 1237 KING STREET, f SAN BERNARDINO, CAL.. t $ i. Many in Milford Try Simple Mixture Many Milford people are surprised at the QUICK action of simple buckthorn buck-thorn bark, glycerin, etc. as mixed in Alnr-i-ka. This simple remedy acts on BOTH tipper and lower bowel, removing re-moving such surprising fnul maiter that ONE SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY CASE constipation, sour stomach stom-ach or gas. A few doses often relieve or prevent appendicitis. A short treatment helps chronic stomach trouble. The INSTANT, easy action of Adler-ika is astonishing. Milford Pharmacy. Adv. j BILL and BILL 1 j FflLGER'S COFFEE ! j Only 30c j jj XXXX HIGH PATENT Par Excellence ; "., in Flour Also Turkey Red in hard wheat, and Sr "O.K." in straight grade flours i! Staple line Fruits, Meats, ' Groceries, Feed, Bran, Shorts j PHONE 86 Sleeping Porches Your doctor advocates them. Comfort indicates them, Health demands them, and we can provide them. j It isn't necessary to tear the home to pieces there are ways, and means for producing the desited effect that are very1 simple when YOU KNOW HOW. Th at's our business, let us J prove it and show you how little it will cost to have an outdoorfresh air- bed room in your home. 59 B a N N EVI LLE LUMBER CD Milford--Lund Modena LIVE LOCALS FOR LIVE READERS FOR SALE: 40 or SO acres first class land cheap. Address Box 9S, Mil-fold, Mil-fold, Utah. Adv. The Milford Lumber Company carries all materials necessary for Home, Sweet Home plans. Prompt, courteous, efficient service. Adv. For Sale Cheap Horse, buggy and jharnass. Enquire NEWS office or F. ' C. Sullivan. Adv. ! If you are sick go see a doctor then bring your prescription to us. We : have the stock aud our prescription j department is in charge of a registered 'graduate pharmacist. Milford Phar- maey. Adv. j People of Milford - Your old reliable I piano tuner L. K. Stewart is in town. Don't fail to have your pianos attended to. Ad-. For Sale Good young horse, also piano. See Henry Lake, 2i miles east of Milford. Adv. FOR Sale 1910 Chalmers Roadster at Bargain. Enquire Utah Transportation Trans-portation Company. Adv. All size second hand pipe for Sale. A. G. Burnham, Milford, Utah. Adv. Come in and see our novelty line of ladies' high top shoes and low cut slippers. Best styles in town. G. A. Malouf and Bros. Adv. Don't forget to come in and supply all your re?ds at a bargain. G. A. Malouf and Bros. Adv. New line of men's hats. See us before be-fore buying elsewhere. Geo. Malouf and Bros. Adv. Do you need a new hair brush? We have them, just what you want and at prbes that will surprise you. Milford Pharmacy. Adv. Coco Butter Cold Cream, 50c. A wonderful flesh builder. Milford-Pharmacy. Milford-Pharmacy. Adv. Tomorrow may never come: let us take the risk off the kiddies. See Fred Reber of Milford, local represe-tative represe-tative of the New York Life Insurance Company. Adv. FOR SALE 5 room house on corner lot good location cheap easy terms Enquire NEWS Office. Home, Sweet Home 230 house plans, blue prints, together with specifications spec-ifications and itemized till of lumber, free of charge. Milford Lumber Corn-pan- Adv. INSURE THAT AUTO-If it isn't worth it, you oughtn't to own it. Do it now. See Cameron Arriug-ton Arriug-ton right away. You'll find him in Milford. FOR SALE; 60 head of Duroc brood sows, some with pigs at side, others to farrow in from ten to twenty days; thoroughbreds; overstocked reason for selling. W. A. Swerdfeger, 7 miles south of Milford. Adv. Dusty, tired, overworked eyes Rexall Eye Wash helps at once. Milford Mil-ford Pharmacy. -Adv. Before ordering your Wall Paper elsewhere, see R. G. Siewert. Prices cheaper than Salt Lake or any mail order house. Make your own selections. selec-tions. Adv. If your feet ache use Rexal Foot Powder 25c, guaranteed. Milford Pharmacy. Adv. If you want the best in Painting, Kalsomining and Decorating, go to R. G. Siewert. Adv. FOR SALE Vacant corner lot good location easy terms Enquire NEWS Office Adv. WELL BORING I want to get in touch with every oue wishing to put down wells for cattle or irrigation irri-gation purposes. P. Burns, Malone, Utah Adv. ' fzi t . t Strawberries, Raspberries, I Blackberries, Loganberries, I Cantaloupes, Cherries, Cucumbers, J t New Potatoes, Tomatoes I - Everything in Groceries and Meats i : General Merchandise I PHONE 20 .... t IWIETZ 5 Passenger Touring Car Modernly Equipped, Electric Starter and Lighting System Quick Demountable Tires $600 f- o- k WALTHAM MASS j Roadster and Express Cars proportionately cheaper A. G. ANDERSON (The Honey Man) Agent for Beaver and Iron Counties ALPHEUS SHARP, Demonstrator i 1 i i'. We have everything in ji 1 j Poultry Supplies"! ' Best Chicken Food on the Market 3 I Milford Flower and Seed Store j PHONE 4 CAREFUL ATTENTION TO MAIL ORDERS ! I . Milford Hotel Building, Milford, Utah j We Pay Special Attention to Mail Orders QUIRK DRUG COMPANY Successor to Beaver Valley Pharmacy We handle a full line of Drugs, Toilet Articles, Candies, Cigars, Soaps, Rubber Goods, Stationery, etc. The Drug Store at which You Will Eventually Trade ! Our FOURTH OF JULY Begins June 15 ends July 4 7 ? I You need the goodsWe need the money. Ask t t for anything in the store, and it will be sold to j I you at a bargain. Everything is new in t stock and style. f I Everything at a price that was never heard of before, f t Call in and see G. A. MALOUF & BROS, j MILFORD - UTAH I I MILFORD - UTAH 1 L BE PREPARED FOR THE FOURTH WE ARE PREPARED ARE YOU? In the lines of Wearing Apparel, we "aie offering our entire stock of I Men's Suits and Furnishings at greatly reduced prices Men's Suits $10.00 to $25.00 . J Men's Shoes, $3.50 to $6.00 Ladies' Shoes and Slippers $2.25 to $4.50 j Men's Shirts, 50c to $3.00 Men's Ties, 25c to $1.00 BUY YOUR FLAGS FOR THE FOURTH At the Golden Rule Store THE GOLDEN RULE STORE Phone 10 |