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Show (HERE'S THE PROGRAM i ' Enjoyment for Everybody Street Parade, Athletic Sporls, Patriotic Parade, Dance?, Base Ball Game The NEWS is euabled to publish this week, detailed program of the big list ot attraotive features of the coming com-ing Fourth of July celebration iu Milford. The first step toward making the affair a complete success is to clean up the town. Dnriug the two or three days remaining before the big clay there is ample time for citizens to cut weeds, both iu yards and on street frontages, gather up papers and rubbish and "tidy up" generally. Then, there is the decorating to do, bunting to buy and put up, flags to display etc. It is hoped that especially along the line of parade, the decorations decora-tions may be somewhat out of the ordinary. Aud don't forget the decorated deco-rated float matter. If you have an auto, decorate it and enter the oontect for the best looking exhibit. If you have a vehicle to enter, make it a thing of beauty and try for the prizes. It is a matter of regret that the Boy Scouts will be unable to participate, owing to difficulty iu mustering in, which delayed drills, but they expect to enter future affairs of the kind. The NEWS has ordered an exceptionally exception-ally fine day for the Fourth; we have arranged to have the sun rise as usual and old Boreas has promised to give us just a gentle zephyr, so that there will be no exouse for stay ing at home on account of weather, unless Mr. Pluvius gets busy and sends rain. But the rain would be welcome. It seems to the NEWS that if the city Marahfl would appoint two or three temporary-deputies temporary-deputies to aBsist in keeping the streets clear for the parade, preventing rowdyism, row-dyism, etc., it would help some. And don't forget the ball game in the afternoon. While a team to oppose the locals has not been fully decided upon, it may be accepted as a fact that the team selected from the ones under consideration, will give the fans the worth of their money. Another matter the Committee wishes us to mention; if there are any veterans of the Civil or Spanish-American Spanish-American wars iu this vicinity or in near-by communities, they are most cordially invited to attend the local celebration and take part in the parade. par-ade. It is suggested that any such may send name and address to the editor of this paper, anc that- the-ei meet at Hotel Milford, not pieJ'" I 9:30 o'clock, Tuefdcair -,er than o be afrl the- n-" morning tun, ; pJl'saigoed positions in the line, it is also urged that every participant in the big parade be on hand at the starting point not later than 9;30, in order thai, the columu may move promptly at 10 o'clock, without delay of any kind. And, finally, no autos will be allowed tc park nor teams to be hitched on M.ajn Street during the para.de or sports. It is understood that the Marshal of the day will arrange for the care of teams and autos at some point to be decided upon up-on aud announced by sign, later. Now, everybody help make this a success. THIS IS A CELEBRATION FOB THE WHOLE MILFORD VALLEY. THE NEWS CALLS ON THE PEOPLE TO ENTER INTO THE SPIRIT OF TEE DAY AND GIVE FULL VENT TO THEIR PATRIOTISM. PATRIOT-ISM. Tbe full program is given on this page, : |