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Show $100 Reward, $100 Excursions to Montana, Idaho and Oregon via Salt Luke Route. During the summer months excursion tickets at greatly reduced rates will be sold to point, in above lerritory on different differ-ent dates. Return limit thirty days. For tiokets and full information apply to any agent of Salt Lake Route or J. H. Uanderfield A. G P. A. bait Lake City. Adv. J Stomach Troubles and Constipation ! "I will cheerfully say that Chamberlain's Cham-berlain's Tablets are most BStisTactory remedy for stomaoh troubles and con-; ipation that 1 have sold in thirty-four thirty-four years' drug store service," writes S. H. Murphy, druggist, Wellsburg, N.Y. Obtainable everywhere. -Adv. Grand Opening of Utah State Cap- i alBuildiug, Salt Lake City, June Sgth. . . vxctirsion tickets will be sold from all i Jtah Btations on Salt Lake Route as ' illows: west of Payson and Garfield 1 racluding Tintic District, June 07th. ) 'ayson and east June 23th. Return imic on all tickets July 2nd. Adv. H im inn e m n iiiiii Sim j v w Ik 4iiMw i-U"1!; l !' l " 1 1 law-.1!11.1 Ml. jLTn'dH-?',!! " " 111 - I A -v,f"v,l.- hti 5 If k ------ Careful Dressers Select Jjr . - sOCNS 1 For their extraordinary quality that permits us to give an absolute guar- I. antee as to every pair, for the unusual features oi comfort and snug .. . . ankle fit and for the wide range of shades and colors J . -that make it possible to observe good taste in dress- ffl , , , ing and to harmonize the socks with the colors f .' of other articles of apparel. 'r &.J d Sizes 9's to 12s -all leading colors -lour ' fi " ' 1 crades every box guaranteed. S & 1LA'? , L Any Quality $1.00 a Box. 's 1 "1 A. F. McCULLEY S MILFORD, UTAH "Sanliego and Return VIA LOS ANGELES TICKETS ON SALE DAILY BEGINNING MAY 1st Final limit October 3ht Stopovers at all points en route Tickets returning via San Francisco, Portland and Seattle at proportionately low fares VISIT THE BEAUTIFLL SAN DIEGO EXPOSITION Ope .11 Year T. E. BANNING, Agent UhA J. H. Manderfield, A.G.P.A. Milford, Utah vAA Salt Lake City, UUh pijl7 |