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Show IDEAS FOR DESSERT CONFECTIONS TO FOLLOW 8UB-STANTIAL 8UB-STANTIAL MEAL. Steamed Custard la One of the Best Tangerine Souffle May Be New Excellent Recipe for Lemon Pudding. Steamed Custard. Put three-quarters of a pint of milk Into a stewpan with two ounces of loaf sugar and a small piece or pinch of cinnamon. Beat the yolks of two eggs thoroughly and whisk the whites to a stiff froth, finally adding them to the yolks. As soon as the milk reaches the boiling point pour it by degrees onto the eggs, stirring it gently all the time and leave the custard to cool. Butter a plain mold and strain the custard into it. Cover it securely by tying a piece of buttered paper on the top and steam very gently for 35 minutes. Stand aside to get cold. Serve the custard turned out of the mold and surrounded by stewed fruit. Tangerine Souffle. Separate the white from the yolks of six perfectly fresh eggs. Put the yolks into a basin ba-sin with four tablespoonfuls of powdered pow-dered sugar, the grated rind of two tangerine oranges and a half portion of grated lemon rind. Beat the ingredients ingre-dients with a wooden spoon for ten minutes. Stir in one tablespoonful of pastry flour, and when this is thoroughly thor-oughly blended with the egg mixture add one teaspoonful of orange flavoring. flavor-ing. Add a pinch of salt to the'whites of the eggs and whisk them to a very stiff froth. Mix them lightly and thoroughly with the prepared yolks and pour the mixture at once into a buttered scuffle mold. Smooth the top over with a knife into the shape of a dome and bake the souffle at once in a quick oven for from ten to twelve minutes. Just before serving sprinkle some sifted powdered sugar over the top. Lemon Pudding. Put two ounces of butter into a saucepan and when it is melted stir in by degrees two table-spoonfuls table-spoonfuls of flour and one and a half tablespoonfuls of corn flour. As soon as the ingredients form a perfectly smooth paste, add gradually, stirring quickly all the time, one pint of milk and continue to stir until the mixture has boiled and thickened. Remove the pan from the stove and add three tablespoonfuls ta-blespoonfuls of sugar, the grated rind of a large lemon and one tablespoonful of brandy or vanilla. Beat in the yolks of two eggs which have been thoroughly thorough-ly whisked with a fork. Add a pinch of salt to the whites of the eggs and beat them to a stiff froth. Allow the pudding to cool and stir in the strained juice of a lemon, a little at a time, and the whites of the eggs. Line a pudding dish utt'u pun paste, pour it t'lte liquid mixture and hake at once in a fairly quick oven until the top is lightly or evenly browned.. The heat must not be fierce nor must the pudding be allowed to remain in the oven more than from 20 to 30 minutes, or it will ttfrdle and he spoiled. A jug of thick cream should be passed with it. |