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Show I DIAMOND NOTES Seven National league managers would like to see President Wilson order or-der the Phils to Mexico. Weather man has hurt the big leagues more this season than the Federal league man did last year. Charles Ebhets graciously allows all soldiers in military uniform the courtesy cour-tesy of Ehbets field without paying. Ilere's what a baseball owner said the other day: "I would pay more attention at-tention to baseball, if it wasn't for golf." Connie Mack owns no diploma, but he makes 15 or 20 highly educated university youths jump through his fingers. Oh, yes, Hans Wagner is an old man. All of the guides tell you that, but you would never secure such an impression impres-sion by his work in the field. To the great diappolntment of every American league member, Tyrus K. Cobb is not a member of the National Guard of Georgia. Somebody will swear out a warrant for those Cub pitchers pretty soon on a charge of vagrancy, since they have no visible support. No; the leading professions won't be overcrowded with new college graduates gradu-ates as long as Connie Mack Js trying try-ing to build a team. Terhaps It was just common sense that enabled the Cleveland club to land Fred I'.eebe at the time they needed him so much. Joe Jackson has received a letter from a man signing himself "A Fan" and inclosing three hairpins, Joe'B chief omen of good luck. If the (liants do not win the pennant. pen-nant. M'-Gniw will bWme it on the sfliedule makers, who require them to play 77 games at the Polo grounds. It is uri'l'-rstood that M-vral big b'nL'ue managers have written to Secretary Sec-retary I'.aker at "ashingion, asserting that they could tip olf a number of "soHiers" to )ii in. The Pirates have Ilonus Wagner, the king of pastiniers ; Max Carey, the king of base stealers, and Al Mamaux, crown prince among pitehers. But it's a tough year on royally. 4 In Mating that his team Is as good a it was last ye.-ir, Mannger Pat M'rr.'in of the Phillies hrisn't anything on ':iti! Mack. The Athletics nl '" as g.rf. as they -.vere l;.-,t y.r. |