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Show Cure for Cholera Morbus "When our little boy, .now seven years old, was a baby he was cured of cholera morbus by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," writes Mrs. Sidney Simmons, Fair Haven, N. Y. "Since then other members of my family have used this valuable medicine for colic and bowel trouble with good satisfaction and I gladly endorse it as a remedyof exceptional ex-ceptional merit." Obtainable everywhere. every-where. Adv. Just the Thing for Diarrhoea "About two years ago I had a severe attack of diarrhoea which lasted over a week," wrftes W. C. Jones, Bnford, N. D. "I became so weak that I could not stand upright. A druggist recommended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The first dose relieved me and within two days I was as well as ever.'' Many druggists recommend this remedy because be-cause they know that it is reliable. Obtainable everywhere. Adv. Excursions to Montana, Idaho and Oregon via Salt Lake Route. During the summer months excursion tickets at greatly reduced rates will be sold to point, in above territory on different differ-ent dates. Return limit thirty days. For tickets and full information apply to any agent of Salt Lake Route omJ. H. Manderfield A. O. P. A. Salt Lake City. Adv. That Best Laxative To keep the bowels regular the besl laxative is outdoor exercise. Drink s full glass of water half an hour before breakfast and eat an abundance oi fruit and vegetables, also establish a regular habit and be sure that youi bowels move once each day. When a medicine is needed take Chamberlain'i Tablets. They are pleasant to take and mild and gentle in effeot. Obtainable Obtain-able everywhere. Adv. The Soda Flavor That You Like I J Keep It In Your Refrigerator f . t ! 4 doz. for $1.60 Net . l I I MILFORD BOTTLING & ICE CREAM CO. J I PHONE 14 - Get Your Typewriter Supplies at the News Otfice pwmi wiau ib hkbbmi tn mi i i Ji n n i 'ii'iisniin ' Build a Barn to AtT Jtf Fit Your NeedsTTi, The needs of one farm may not ' suit another. You have certain conditions con-ditions to meet that are not found on any other place. The size and arrangement of your barn should be determined by your requirements. Your aim is to build a barn that will comfortably house the live stock, hold the feed, machinery, etc., with economy. It is easy to put too much money into any building. The "BBn barn is no exception. fSS-k ur exPer'encc in selling materials for '&A&4Sew building barns anil in helping farmers in many ways should he &Pffll&f'' p$i worth money to you. This is '0W T'"m merely a part of our helpful, I? n la serviceable wav of v.h Iti- v Ijr1- fjfa ness. Why not come in and ,-J5 "BKe)fJ "' discuss your barn plans vi!i us: t-s&3 n vs- You need not buy here unl-? y V1- Jj you feel it is to vnnr advantage. B DNNEVI LLE LUMBER CD. O-IO.E. Merrill Co Ml and TTTTTTTlTi Milford Lund Modena LOCATION NOTICES Lode and Placer , Proof of Labor Blanks NEWS OFFICE k j Just -the Typewriter g for You I- SOLD ON JUST THE TERMS THAT SUIT YOU The Our latest product, the latest thing 5n typewriters, the machine for which YOU have been waiting. The Junior is smaller and lighter than the Standard Remington models weighs only 17 pounds. It is simpler. You can quickly learn to operate it. No lessons needed. It has all the Remington essentials, standard keyboard, standard type, and writes letters of standard size the kind with the hundred-dollar look. Il sells for $50 the first absolutely first-grade machint at a medium price. It is sold either for cash or on easy payments $5 dowo and $5 a month. You are not asked tc buy , mm what you are getting. We , ..- will send it on ten davs' i examination to any ad- Remington Typewriter Comptny, dress within the first and (Incorporated) second parcel post zones 327 Broadway, New York. u ot any Remington branch S office. If you decide not Scni me a Remington Junior Type- I to keep it, return within writer, price 50, on free rxaminition. I: i B ten davs no obligation understood that 1 may return the machine, J S involved. if I choose, within ten dayi. If I dicide 1 . -tt 1 ' ....... to purchase it, 1 agree to pay for it in 10 m Here is vour chance, ynur r , , ' J- J ' , !R r- '- ,1, , monthly payments of Se etch. 1 M first chance, to get the 1,1 r' ' 1 typewriter you have al- '" ; B wavs needed. Cut out this jp coupon and send it to us. Beaver County News, County Agents |