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Show I The Men's Department Store Specializing : That's what an old customer called us recent- f j i.f-'? J tO'f Mail orders are always welcome at DOBSON S ly, reflecting the impression most men receive ij ZK T fT and an inquiry regarding anv merchandise is just from the full and running over selections we're j r''i&QJ-&!t:J A VM'- Vl S offering in every department. l'5?.it j!J f V 1 1 as welcome as an order with a check attached. When you know that we fit and suit men al- f j r-r jtiL I. most daily in extra shirt sleeve lengths, in ex- f '?vrrf;: ''JjyrJ f 0i iCC? Vi5s2 L V . T--f As an illustration of the pride we take and the tra long and extra stout Suits, in extra large pa '101 flw O V 1 . ., . fcw , r. , ,t .v, nma 1 r .tV - T friT, rVjfi?. -LJ V-.-J service we render mail order patrons, we boast a Jamas, Underwear, Hosiery, you'll see why DOB "iiiiiK?1; 14 SON'S has grown to be "The Men's Department """l'1-ifcAa ,; ljst of former city customers who have moved to S're , , . , , , . it ,, other towns, vet continue to order and receive It takes large stocks largely varied to suit and Tle HOME OF HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES fif EVERY man. clothes from DOBSON'S bv mail. I I VALUE CLOTHES ' . i' WM FOR MEN, YOUNG MEN AND BOYS Pmi r I I T' 5 HE SOUTHERN UTAH'S BIGGEST STORE FOR MEN demonstrates with the Tj f 'vf ? Southern Utah's Greatest stocks. rr i 'timistic 'Preparedness' in preparing to break the splendid Sales Record of last month. I )M S It's an old truth that a thing is cheap or dear according to what you get rather than ; 1 1 what you pay for it. : JJ I I. . . ' Enough Silk Shirts Here to Insure Absolute Satisfaction in I rl Genuine Army Shoes Cl . , . g f i- I Suk Shirt Choosing . fcrbtiPdl? i - I THE smart Crepes have set a new mark for popu- f Y Made over the lasts and patterns de- i JF"?- oudish patterns in fast colors, satin .csfl 1 19 Stripes, Cubist and Sport Patterns. $7. to $10 I I - " trl signed by E. L. Munson, approved and I 1 silk and linen shirts ti rn - ' il I M I 4,, .4 1 II 1 SI hi I i If J 8 -.v, adopted by the war department. Russian cords 1 VA,UV l31!. 1 . v . . -I I RUGGLE WEAVES I 1 .J 'w M lV lR.V I v -j, $6.00 to $7.00 to J Vvw- I SILK STRIPE MADRAS . U l MADRAS )t:.UU , t2Si J 41 miiiM iii miii i mi ii 1 1 ii 1 1 iii iii m i in in T.?"'1-'""""."bii"! i -aTElO |