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Show HOT OFF THE WIRE About People and Events of Local Interest Stray Bits of Information Gathered at Random and Arranged for Rapid Readers B. K. Block, a prominent mining man, was here this week. P. M. Baker and wife and Mrs. Wheeler, of Baker, were in Milford Tuesday Mrs. I. Cline is visiting her family fam-ily in Milford. She came down from her Salt Lake City home a few days ago. Attorney D. D. Houts of Salt Lake City, wac in Milford on Tuesday. Tues-day. Mrs. Phil Orwin went to St. George the past week to visit her husband. Miss Ruth Norris of Las Vegas is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cottrell. , Mrs. T. F. Gleason and children have returned from a two-months' visit to eastern friends and relatives. Jay LaBarre and wife and Charles Char-les Erb and family will leave next Sunday for Fish Laka for a week'? vuca'ion. Russell Lemmon went to Delta last night where he expects to labor for a few months assisting in the beet harvest. The Milford baseball team will go to Gunnison, on Pioneer Day, the 24 th, to play two games with the locals lo-cals of that town. A number of Milford Mil-ford fans will go along to root for our boys. Prof. Frank K. Jones, a well known educator of the state of California, Cal-ifornia, now high school principal and president of the board of education educa-tion of Ventura county, California, visited the Webster family here Wednesday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Callaway, July 14, a son., Born, to Mr. and Mrs. James Patterson, Pat-terson, of Beaver Bottoms, Sunday, July 15, a son. Mrs. Ed Peterson is going to visit vis-it relatives at Pa"agonah this week and will remain for some time. Our second hand repair shop will be located in the old lumber yard building--Burns 4 Bird. 2t. ' C. H. Erickson lias been doing business in our city the past week. Knight Starr Jordon was at Hotel Atkin Tuesday. He went out to his mining properties and will remain there for several days. Mrs. Delia Grimshaw, who has been in charge of the Pope camps, returned to Milford Wednesday for a month's rest. ' Eugene Buchanan, who left Milford Mil-ford several weeks since for a trip to the Hawaiian Islands, has enlisted in the Marine Corps at Honolulu.' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jefferson Lit last Wednesday for an outing at Fish Lake and other p-ints of interest inter-est :-:id recreation' along the way Mr. Sanders is substituting for Fred in the meat market department of the Jefferson Mercantile Company. The Ladies Whist club met at Hotel Atkin last Thursday morning. Mrs. Ada Hedges is removing to the Forgie apartments. Second hand furniture bought and sold by Burns & Eird. 2t. Why not bring in the broken furniture fur-niture and have it made like new by our experienced furniture repair man, Mr. Crosby Burns & Bird 2t. Wm. Newell, an engineer on the Salt Lake Route, with his family, will locate in the Fenncmore residence resi-dence being vacated by . Mrs. Peterson. Peter-son. There is to be a big meeting of boosters for good roads in the State of Utah in Salt Lake City tomorrow. B. E. Donelson, the leather goods merchant, and others of Beaver county are expecting to attend. The News has a tip that there will be considerable building done in this vicinity before next winter. Anybody who has any doubt about the continual contin-ual prosperity of Beaver county in general and of this metropolis of southwest Utah in particular is sure a pessimist. Watch us grow. The Jefferson Mercantile Company has just received a full carload of fresh vegetables,, including watermelons water-melons and cantaloupes. Buying in carload lot has made it possible .to greatly reduce the cost of these vegetables veg-etables to the consumer, and it is sure raspberry time at Jefferson's New potatoes at 4 cents per pound is a full cent under the prevailing price. High officials of the Mountain States Telephone Company visited Milford this week. There were in the party E. M. Burgess, vice-president and general manager; F. H. Reid, assistant general manager; A. H. DeNihe, district general manager, and S. J. Jones, district manager. These gentlemen made an inspection of business conditions and prospects here and it is probable that their visit is something more than a mere junketing trip for an outing. A straw hat will make your place in the sun. McCulley's. It If you are building a new dress get the plans at McCulley's. It The use of printer's ink is an indication indi-cation of the business pulse of any community. Any community that uses the columns of the local papers freely to call attention to goods for sale is a lively business center and It is lively because the business men are alive to the advantages of judicious judi-cious advertising. The home paper goes into practically every home and is read and re-read by every member mem-ber of the family from little Johnny and Jane to grandma and grandpa. Advertise in the local paper and reach the home folks who buy the supplies. The work on the new plant of the Beaver River Power Co. in Beaver canyon has already begun. Material is being hauled to the site and the surveyors are at work. In fact, Beaver canyon is a very attractive place just now for both workman and pleasure seeker. The Power Company has one of the most attractive attract-ive spots, highly improved with beautiful lawn and shrubbery, well appointed plant and most commodious commodi-ous and comfortable living quarters. That lawn looks like it had been lifted lift-ed bodily from some millionaire's private grounds in southern California. Califor-nia. . |