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Show 1 V Better for Y onand Your Hired Help, Too , A modern roomy barn lightens the farm JSpi work. It's good for you, it pleases the hired jgg help and saves money in the long run by keep-ing keep-ing the stock in good condition. Your experience with the old barn has j0 , probably shown many little points of improve- gR ment to include in your plans for a new barn. jvgg Why not put your ideas Q AS into definite shape? Build y$-5W now and earn the in- gflff?' ' S0rS. creased dividends at once. J$'fi i Call on us to help you S decide upon the best ma- flfi zf$M&x jterial for different parts of x- -rVv- the building. We will see hfWmWL that you get the most for jpffj "S? your investment. j fHH"? jfg': B DNNEVILLE LUMBER CD. O a o . . M err, 11 C o fcS " " 4 Associate a Milford Lund Modena MATHESON THE TAILOR Maker of Up-to-date Clothes i MILFORD - - UTAH Tombstones, : Monuments, and Grave Markers of all; kinds at reasonable prices. E. B. JORGENSEN, Agent MILFORD, UTAH Shirley 'S, Atkin lttornej-at-Law Office MILFORD STATE BANK BUILDING MILFORD' UTAH Phone 19 J. A. INGOLS Mining and Civil Engineer U. S. DepuMining Engineer City Engineer MILFORD UTAH PHONE NO. R7 CLINEv& BOYER Big Bargains in Good Land Cash or Terms Some Specials in School Lands MILFORD, UTAH E. B. JORGENSEN Funeral Director Licensed Embalmer Phone 4 Milford, Utah Open Day and Nitfht When in Land patronize THE LUND HOTEL Cleanliness, Comfort, Courtesy, Good Service Reasonable Rates Headquarters for travel throughout Southern Utah LUND, UTAH Mrs. E. L. Cakter, Prop. , wanted to get even with hlr Imitation of Poe, and had It r ilphla. lD another pnrt 0f tne state f, and story about the discovery of ed to once it made a great 't tle countrv- made so gre felt Ruey was terrified, and feare ' else. accused of Literary forgery, fence, tor ot tne rlval pnper wrote: ' i then friend Riley will belittle this 1 my not the work of Poe. But I Every kiddie should sleep in one of our Patent Iron Beds pull, -- ,- .i I. "it- Smith L Davis Mfg. Co. St.Louis The Elastic Spring and Adjustable Foot Lift are features hat any mother will appreciate Price $12.00 Burns & Bird Go. Milford, Utah Phone 17 Battrtng Milford Opera House Wednesday and Saturday NIGHTS Wednesday Cn'iiples only Dancing at 9 sharp Saturday Open Assembly Dancing at 9.30 p.m. PUBLIC CORDIALLY INVITED 1 Live Locals f (fSSflUpw . at INSURE THAT AUTO-If it isn'l wonh it, you oughtn't to own it. Do it now. See Cameron Arring-ton Arring-ton right away. You'll find hire in Milford. iv Your shoes will wear longer if kept : in good condition; Milford Shoe Shinta Parlor, Pharmacy Block, will keep" them shining. S 9hines for a $l.uO Adv. p FOR SALE:-40 or SO acres first clae!1" land cheap. Address Box 98, Mil- ford, Utah. -Adv. i ? Watch the Bargain Corner Window at Burns & Bird Co.'s Store. You'll find what you want there at a reduced,, rate. Adv. t FOR SALE: Light weight tractor. Fully equipped and in excellent condition. One half factory price. Inquire Milford Distributing Co. -Adv. FOit SALE; A few choice lots; easy terms. See J. Matthews. Adv. Fitted and unfitted Horse Shoes, all styles and kinds, at Burns & Bird Co. Adv. Good span of Work Mules for sale, or will trade. Enquire News Office. FOR SALE Several horses, cheap, mares and gelding9 Orpheum Hotel, Milford. Phone 81. 4x A new brush free, if our 25c Tooth Brushes fail to give satisfaction. Milford Pharmacy. Adv. FOR SALE; The new McDonald Apartments, $600 down, $81 per month, $6100 in all, will take the building. Six apartments. Call on or address J. K. McDonald, Milford. Adv. If you waut the best in Painting, Kalsomining and Decorating, go to R. G. Siewert. Adv. Let an artist "doll up" your shoes at the Milford Shoe Parlor, Pharmacy Block. 8 shines for $1.00 Adv. FOR EXCHANGE. 40 acres of deeded land in New Mexioo, 3 milas from town. Value $1600. Want stock of goods or furniture or house in town Enquire at NEWS office. Binding Twine, 15c per lb. Burns and Bird Co. . J What is the use of buying poor rubber goods, when you can get the "Guaranteed kind her for the same ' money. Miltord Pharmacy. Adv. FOR EXCHANGE. 150 acres of tim- ' ber in Coleville County, Wash-ai Wash-ai ington. Original growth 2 Jmill-ion Jmill-ion feet. Want land or house in 'No' town- Value $3500. Enquire p" NEWS office. Adv. ' .Constipation the Fa the! of Many Ills Of the numerous ills that affect bumanity a large share start with constipation. Keep your boweli regular regu-lar and they may be avoided. When a laxative is needed take Chamberlain's Chamber-lain's Tablets. They not only move the bowels but improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. Obtainable Obtain-able everywhere. Beaver County School District is awarded five Scholarships by the U. of U. Students wishing one will apply to E. H. White, Supt. of Schools You have no excuse to suffer from sore throat. Rexall Throat Gargle is safe, simple and agreeable. TO TRADE FOR MILFORD PRO-perty PRO-perty an 8 room pressed brick house in Salt Lake What have you? Address Box 93, Milford. ipllilst'V illlllStirT The Milford Shoe Shine f anui .. for ladies as well as gentlemen; courteous treatment assured. Pharmacy Block. -Adv. Before ordering your Wall Paper elsewhere, see R. G. Siewert. Prices cheaper than Salt Lake or any mail order house. Make your own selections. selec-tions. Adv. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy This is a medicine that every family should be provided with. Coiic and diarrhoea often come on suddenly and it is of the greatest importance that they be treated promptly. Consider the suffering that must be endured until a physician arrives or medicine r-an be obtained. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has a reputation second to none for the quick relief which it affords. Obtainable Obtain-able every where. Adv. You can't have "that dressed up feeling" with a slovenly ihoe. Let the Milford Shoe Shine artist, Pharmacy Phar-macy Block, make 'em look classy. ! 8 shines for $1.00 Adv. Manganese mine for sale. Assays over A2fo. Opened ready for ore to be taken out. For further information write Mrs. M. J. Loring, Monroe. Utah. Adv. WANTED Second hand 6 h- p. gas engine. See B. H. Matteson, Milford. Mil-ford. Adv. 3x Rexall Remedies are all guaranteed or your money back. Milford Pharmacy. Phar-macy. Adv. " FIRST CLASS PAPERHANGING, PAINPNG and KALSOMINING DONE BY BAUER VBEGK Late of Los Angeles All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable Call on us for estimateo PHONE 5 There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and for years It was supposed sup-posed to be incurable. ,r Doctors prescribed pre-scribed local remedies, rfnd by constantly constant-ly failing to cure wltbAoeal treatment, pronounced it incurale. Catarrh is a local disease, greatlyflnfluenced by constitutional con-stitutional conditloifc and therefore requires re-quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, .Ohio, is a constitutional consti-tutional remedy, is taken Internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hundred Dollars reward is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh Cure fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. l COMFORT-CONVENIENCE-ECONOMY You demand all three in any heating all that is needed. It's easy to carry, system. They are always found in too. "TtPwRaF7JON SMOKELESS Economy- single gallon of oil OIL HEATER. bums steadily for ten hours. Comfort-it sends forth its comfort- Sod a, hardware, furniture and Tenable Ten-able glow m a jiffy. eral !tor.Si For bcst. rcJU)tl use Convenience a touch of a match ii Conoco Safety Oil. i THE CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY I (A Colorado Corporation) Sk S" PERFECTION HI. f!l Uo, SMOKElE-ftteig;, HEATERS Bat". IM"iff" fjljl i uMlff .... nm , ""'"-'SsJXgr ' l..-!.,,-..,....!.,.,..,!..,.......!.! m in !,..,.... ,.rjfm.mim.m.l.. y of TOlF M ETZ 5 Passenger Touring Car : Modernly Equipped, Eectric Starter and Lighting System Quick Demountable Tires $600 f- o- WALTHAM MASS Roadster andIixpress Cars proportionately cheaper X G. ANDERSON (The Honey Man) Agent for Beaver and Iron Counties ALPHEUS SHARP, Demonstrator NONE SO GOOD AS THE GENUINE Royal Table Queen has its imitators. Oh, yes, a host of them. Most every product, as well and as favorably known as ROYAL TABLE QUEEN, is copied. But in the case of ROYAL TABLE QUEEN, a thing quite contrary to the usual is noticed. Not one of the imitators has been able to successfully reproduce ROYAL,,, rra rasa Table queen as? 11 "The Perfect Bread" l PREAM Not one has even beenable to closely approach its flaki-ness, flaki-ness, flavor and body-budding quaiities. Ingredients are too costly. The degree of sk'ill required to blend, mix and bake the ingredients is beyobdxhe power of the imitator. This, then, to our way of thinking, think-ing, is conclusive proof of superiority. superior-ity. To you it should demonstrate alk in a convincing Vay, the advantages 'N MILFORD BY to be gained by insisting on ROYAL BILL & BILL TABLE QUEEN "the bread that GOLDEN RULE STORE made mother stop baktng-' & QQ ROYAL BAKING CO. : 1 GOLDEN RULE STORE i MILFORD - UTAH j I Blankets and Quilts I Sit - We just received our full line of Blankets ana j Quilts, and we cordially invite you to Jj look them over 'JN Blankets ranging in price from 1 95c to $8.00 & : H OUR WEEKLY SPECIALS Sew 7 bars Laundry Soap - - - 25c Mi gj 8 bars Toilet Soap - - - 25c $1.00 Union Made Overalls - - 79c W & 25c Leather Faced Gloves - - 19c Jg J Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes - 3 for 25c K 10c Oysters - - - - 3 for 25c Vf4 35c lb. Wedding Breakfast Coffee - 30c S 11 lb. Sugar .... $1.00 THE GOLDEN RULE STORE J Phone 10 5 |