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Show BETTER THAN EVER Lyceum Course of High Order The Home and School Organization nas completed the bookings tor us annual winter lyceum course, and a brief synopsis of the same is published Herein. Begiuniog October 23rd, the first numher will be a lecture by Hon. Nelson S. Dar.iug, the great apostle of co operaiiou and a niuch-feareci enemy of special privilege. Thirty-tlve thousand copies of one of his speeches were distributed east ol the Mississippi Kiver and he is alway s in demand at conventions, especially those of commercial bodies. "The Communiiyof Interests,'' his greatest lecture will probably be the one selected selec-ted for this Milford trip. On November 16th, the Mount Vernon Singing Party, a mixed quartette, quar-tette, very highly recommended by the press of the country, will be heard locally. April 3rd, Schildkret's Hungarian Orchestra will be the attraction, and on December 6th, John B. Ratto, the well known impersonator, character artist and story-teller, will delight these xbo attend his entertainment. enter-tainment. Tickets for this splendid course may be had from any of the memberi of the Home and School Organization, or from the NEWS office. $1.50 for the course. |