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Show We sell du Pont paints made by the makers of DUCO YOU know the name du Pont. You know Duco made only by du Pont. You know that Duco brings enduring beauty to motor cars and lasting color to household furnishings. We carry a complete line of du Pont paints, varnishes and enamels made by the makers of Duco. We can recommend rec-ommend all du Pont paints because they are made with the same care and skill that go into the making of Duco. Let us help work .jQ out a systematic ftZl plan of paint 47w, protection for VW your home. i PAINTS l VARNISHES ENAMELS DUCO MaJ.bJSSWB Jefferson Merc. Co. sfays OILY? A STANDARD OIL PRODUCT BLabon's FELTEX Rugs (Felt Base) Artistic Yet Lorv Priced If you wish to spend but little for a floor-covering floor-covering for your sun porch', breakfast room, kitchen, or any other room, and yet want something that is colorful and artistic and that will give excellent wear buy Feltex Rugs. They're No Trouble to Keep Clean with a mop or damp cloth because they are waterproof and spotproof no scrubbing, no beating and no taking up. They lie flat without fastening and never curl at the edges. a.- ia tec our latest Feltex Rugs. 1 I ' THE WHITE MARKET A. Good store in a good Town :: I YOUR i I I lPRWGt 1 ill ' -I I : ! A Valuable Asset 1 of Yoor Business S i :: ! I We Help Our Cus- j J ; ; tomers to Success ix S With Presentable, -ji: I! Profitable I : : I PUBLICITY I I ! ! P"---- 5 Im 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f t THE GROCERY STORE j of Service and f Satisfaction Whatever may be your grocery gro-cery wants, we are prepared to fulfill them. Our goods are fresh and our prices reasonable. We deliver goods to your home promptly. Just call 4 nnd tell us what you want. Try us. You wont be disappointed. The WHITE MARKET A Good Store In A Good Town! That's what several people who have tried our bread have told us. Try it and see if you don't feel the same way! 1 We feel canfident that you will be agreeably surprised at your first taste of our bread, as it is made by experts and of the purest materials. We also make a wide variety vari-ety of cakes and pies that are delicious and healthful. For the best bread, cake or pie, call at MILFORD BAKERY JACK NOORDA, Prop. T WANT ADS r , NOTICE I Will pay 25c each for first 4 copies of April 20th Milford News brought ! to this office. Milford News, ltd j- FOR SALE FOR SALE Lot in good residence district. Sewer and sidewalk as- sessments paid. Al Joest, Jr. 5-25-2tc I WANTED WANTED FOR BEAVER COUNTY Ambitious man who can make sales of $300.00 to' ?600.00 a month or more supplying the demand for Heberling's well known line of household house-hold and farm products. Experience unnecessary. Sales helps free, low prices, big values and large profits. Permanent and profitable, work. I G. C. HEBERLING COMPANY Dept. 2295, Bloomington, 111. 5-25-t2-chg. FOR RENT FOR RENT Upright Richmond piano in good condition and tune. See Chas. E. Moore. 5-25tf ONE large front room for sleeping. Inquire at Burton House. 6-1-tlpd WORK WANTED For expert carpenter work, see Ed Cope. G-l-t2-pd , . . Real Quality Malt Syrup For a fitter A"?l flavor and added t ktir nutriment ' ' tine S V . amy? Budweiser Malt V''V'' Syrup in baking A 4-Vf J bread, cakes, ' " i J cookies, etc. 7 4vV": A CD dl prod-act upholding a good nanw ANflEUSER-B'USCM, St. Louis SeJ by Qrocers and De.ihrs Kveryuihen I W. H. BINTZ CO, j Distributors Salt Luke City, Utu!u I 13M-(0 1 ' i - ' ' ''"- " 1 I |