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Show HAS THE MIXTURE TO KILL RABBITS CONCOCTION LAYS OUT PESKY ANIMALS BY THE HUNDREDS If any farmers in this locality are bothered by excess rabbits, Frank Williams, of Minersville, is authority for the statement that County Agent Lew Marr has a formula for a concoction con-coction that will wreck havoc with the pests. Mr. Williams has been bothered tremendously with rabbits. He says that they have eaten tons and tons of his hay, both in the stack and in the field. Mr. Price fixed up a quantity quan-tity of poison which Mr. Williams placed about his stacks and in the fields. Althogether one sack of it was scattered around. The net result re-sult was hundreds and hundreds of dead rabbits. Mr. Williams declared that the sky-is sky-is the limit to his recommendation of this poison and that Mr. Price will mix up quantities of it free of charge if any other farmers wish a supply of it. There is such little wild game about, said Mr. Williams, that the damage done in killing other animals is negligible. Few, if any, pheasants or sage hens are found in the county. |