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Show NOTICE POR PUBLICATION. Department "of the Interior, II. S. I Mini OflUe at Halt Uke City, Utah. Jnntisry 10, 1D1I . Notlr Is hereby Riven that Charles A. MiClrtlu. of Ik'IU, fUli, who. on Msy IS. !!!. tnsdfl Desert Land Kntry No. 0?,m, lor Seel Ion 3, Town- hip 17 8. Itange 7 V., Salt Use Meridian, Me-ridian, has filed notlre of Intention to make finsl desert land proof, to es-sMIh es-sMIh elslm to the land above described, de-scribed, before tli Register and Receiver Re-ceiver of the t'nlted Mtstes Ind Office, Of-fice, at Halt Use City, I'tah, on the 2Sir day of March, l'Jt:i. Claimant names as witnesses: 'James A. Melville, of Salt Lake City, I'tah; Frank I.. CopenlnK. Delts, I'tah ; David A. Hunker, Kilt Lake City, I'tah; Jlenry 11. I'rout. of Kslt Lake City, fltah. K. l R. TIIOMI'HON. Refclster. (Jan. JS-Keb. 10 |