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Show SHOULD MILK A COW CLEAN Operation Should Bo Performed Twice Dally and Havo Perlode Divided Even ae Poeelbl. Probably no tingle cause tends mort to check milk accretion thaa the fall uro to remove all the milk at '.he Urn of milking, says Iloard'a Dairyman. The pretence of even a little milk In the duett may act at a powerful ctmca on the aecretion of fresh milk. Hence the extreme Importance of clean milking; that la, milking the cow dry, which will be found one ol the surest and beet methoda of prolonging pro-longing the milk tupply. Generally twice a day it sufficient; and It la beet to to arrange that the pe'tod mentioned la divided evenly in to parte. There are certain animali which yield rather more by being milked oftener, auch cases being Indicated In-dicated by an undue distention of the udder between milking!. The mott Im port ant part to Impress It the extreme necessity of regularity in the time ol milking, for it hat been ascertained by careful experiment! that the dlf ference of an hour may, and often does, make a difference of at mucb at nine per cent, in the amount ol milk yielded. Repeated Irregularities of thlt kind toon tend to diminish the flow of milk permanently. Weighing the milk It the best meant of register log the capabilities of a cow. |