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Show BARLEY MAKES JUICY BACON It It Alto Good for Sheep and at Feed fur Horace tnd Ctttle Is Nearly Equal to Corn. 1 i Of course you like the big. Juicy, red and white streaked ttiipt of bacon. ba-con. Hut you may not know that this kind of bacon la produced by feeding ground barley mixed with tklm milk. Soaked barley, alone, It an ex-ellent hog feed. Harley alto la good for sheep, and aa a feed for horse and cattle la nearly equal to corn. You can't produce a better hog pasture pas-ture than by towing barley In the early fall, if tbe ground la sufficiently moist, putting the seed in thickly and at a depth of three or four Inches. Thlt furnishes excellent winter grating grat-ing until the ground freetoa. Harley also makes very nutrltloue hay If town thickly In the early iprlng, cut In the flowering ttage, and properly cured. The bearda will then be soft and will not affect the mouths f the animals eating it Thlt crop doet beat on deeply plowed plow-ed toll. It la well to follow a crop f potatoes with barley. In a tlx-rears' tlx-rears' tett at the Kansaa agricultural :ollege thlt kind produced an average , rearly yield of 4S.8 bushels an acre , iS bushels more than any other kind t |