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Show RIO; MB fllSE . Captain Pote Haled to Court for Sailing on Sunday. Housa Built 175 Years Ago at Wolfs Nsck by Mariner Who Trsneport-ad Trsneport-ad Building From Falmouth Foreslde on His Vessel. Iloston Few houses bave a more Interesting history than the old Ureenfiuld Pote house at Wolf's Neck, now owned and occupied by Kvans C. Hanks. The bouse was orlglnnlly built at Falmouth Foreslde by ("apt. Greenfield I'ote,.a well to-do mariner. Just when the bouse was built nobody knows, but it must bave been fully 17S years ago, as In 17G2 Captain Pole bad been living at Falmoi'th Foreslde for many years and was quite prominent In the town. In 1762 Captain Pote bad brought the ship to his home port while he spent a few days with bis family. When the date came for bis departure depar-ture there was no wind and his sailing sail-ing was delayed. For a week the ship lay becalmed and Captain Pote began to get uneasy, as every day's delay In starting was costing him good money. Finally on Sunday a good sailing breeze sprang up and Captain Pote summoned his crew and put to sea. He was gone for many weeks, but upon his return be wss arrested by a constable and brought Into court. Tbe old Puritanical Sabbath laws forbid for-bid mariners to leave port on the Eabbath, and during bis absence one of bis neighbors, who evidently had a gmdge 6f some kind against the sea captain, had entered a protest against bis wicked violation of the Lord's day. In court Captain Pote attempted to Justify his action by the long delay that had been occasioned by the calm, but tbe presiding Justice would listen to no excuses and imposed a large fine upon the angry mariner. So angry did the captain , become with the town and Its Inhabitants that ha vowed that be would leave it, sever to return, and that he would take all his possesions with him. He straightway proceeded to tear down the bouse and loaded that and all Ma Other possesions on board bis vessel and transported the property to Wolf's neck, where the bouse was ant ' p in a sightly location overlooking the sea. At that time Freeport wss a part of the old town of North Yarmouth. Yar-mouth. 1 Id locating his house on Wolfs Neck Captain Pot made one serious mistake. He failed to study the lay ot the land sufficiently to determine ' -..:' ,.' , .11 sub, I . .". . :' ' J , 1 v I r-Vv ' '; '" ' "N r .- ' ; - . ', x i . Old Greenfield Pota Homo. where the road would be laid out, and wben a road was finally built It passed the back of the house, Instead of the front This necessitated changing the Interior of the bouse sufficiently to give a front door at the back of the house. Hera on Wolfs Neck CapUIn Pota lived until his death. 8epL 29. 1797. On tbe bill which rises a short distance dis-tance west of the house ha was bur- 1 lad. Ills gravestone shows that bo I was born In May. 1736, and that ho 1 married Jane Grant in 175S. j He waa the father of several chil- , dren. to one of whom, William Pote, , the property passed upon bis death. Another son went to sea In the privateer priva-teer Dash, which was built and fitted i oat by Freeport people. The prlva- i teer left Freeport Just before a big I storm and was never heard from aft- erward. As years went by the num- I her of graves in the cemetery Increased Increas-ed and finally the property passed out of the Pota family. I la 1158 Samuel Ranks of Faco mov- 1 ed to Freeport and was so well pleas- ! ed with the location of the property that ha purchased It. The property J has since been In the Ranks family, , Its present owner. Evans C. Banks, t being the son of Samuel A feature of the house Is tha big cellar, the entrance to which is on I the sooth side of the house. Just to t one aide of tha front door. I l |