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Show LIGHT BREAK8 IN Thoughtful Farmer Learns About Coffee. Many people exist In a more or less hazy condition and It often takes years before they realize that tea and coffee cof-fee are often tbe cause of tbe cloudiness, cloudi-ness, and that there Is a simple way to let the light break in. A worthy farmer had such an experience exper-ience and tells about It, In a letter. He Bays: "For about forty years. I have had Indigestion and stomach trouble In various forms. During the last 25 years I would not more than get over one spell of bilious colic until auotber would be upon me. - "Tbe best doctors I could get and all the medicines I could buy, only gave me temporary relief. "Change of climate was tried without with-out results. I could not sleep nights, bsd rheumatism and my heart would palpitate at times so that It seemed It would jump out ot my body. "1 came to the conclusion tbat there was no relief for me and tbat I was about wound up, when I saw a Post urn advertisement I bad always been a coffee drinker, and got an Idea from the ad. tbat maybe coffee was tbe cause of my trouble. "I bea-an to use Postum Instead of coffee and In less than three weeks I felt like a new man. The rheumatism left me, and I have never had a spell ' of bilious colic since. "My appetite U good, my digestion never was better and I can do more work than before for 40 years. "I haven't tasted coffee since I began be-gan with Postum. My wife makes It according to directions and I relish It as well aa I ever did coffee, and 1 was certainly a slave to coffee." Name given by Postum Co.. Battle Creek. Mich. Write for ropy of the lit-tie lit-tie book, Tbe Road to Wellvllle." Postum comes la two forms: Regular Postum must be well boiled. Instant Postum Is a soluble powder. A teaspoonful dissolves quickly In a rap f hot water and. with the addition addi-tion of cream and sugar, makes a delicious de-licious beversgw Instantly. Taere'g reaaon" for Poetaaa. |