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Show FOR SALE. 1913 model Motor Cycles and Motor Boats at bargain prices, all makes, brand new machines, bn easy monthly payment plan. Get our proposition before buying or you will regret It, also bargains in used motor cycles. Write us today. Enclose stamp for reply. Address Unk Hox 11, Trenton, Tren-ton, Mich. HOW IS THE MOVIIIG MACHINE? Better let me put it In good shape for alfulfa cutting Ilea pet and binders repaired. ! Hakes, Cultivators, Hay Ilalere and threshers g-iven a new leu of life. Have your tires reset before the hot weather collapses your vehicle whcvl. All kinds of blacksmith's tyair work. T.C.GR0IIII1IIG DELTA Stair lank nf (Oaoiu Don a Genoa! Banking buiiness and solicits your patronage, tatareat Savings Collections Male Money Transmitted Aeywbero C O. W. PIERSON. CASHIER Thurston & Lamson CIVIL ENGINEERS Let us locate your ditches and corners and plat your farm for perfect irrigation. All kinds of Surrejinf Dons Room 2, 8tockhai Building DELTA - - UTAH G. W. Richards, D.D.S. I DENTIST All kinds of Dental Work done at reasonable prices. STOCK HAM BLDO . DELTA James Alex Melville Attorney-at-Lw DELTA - UTAH Uk Uks AseVeu, MJ Felt BsMs, HIGOINS & HIQOINS Attorneys-st-Law Bait Lake Office, 616 Judge Building. FILLMORE UTAH TAKE THE BUSl TO THE KELLY HOTEL When you get off the train at Delta Everything New, Clean and up to date You will come again when you stop once at the Kelly Hotel, Delta. feaffa bM hi CaaaMttM Aula to Oult. Holdfo sad Fillmore JAS. KELLY, Proprietor C.A. Broaddus,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Occuliat Ere Work a Specialty " Office at Cash Drug Store rhone at Office and Residence HINCKLKV, t'TAH Robert L. Ashby ARCHITECT P.O.Box 117 American Fork - - Utah L A. Hollenbeck LAWYER s Delta - - Utah "TIN AD. IN THE Y CHRONICLE la mn by very on In Millars! County and then Mine, THREE DAILY PRINCIPLES I -"Safety first." Tno Result 2 "Courtesy." ,liam, service) 3-"Careful Attention wUrn wu tri4vel vU to Details." "The Standard Lines By these each operat- of tne West" ing employe Of the Automatic lllcctrle Hafcty llloik Hljfiml Protection rfiTlIJnl D. E. BURLEY " IffsP Salt Lake City, t, . Utah Pledges his faith. L GBEWHILIKINS!!! The man who continually neglects to make needed re pir and improvements about the place is careless, and the price of carelessness is trouble. Stop right now an! make a list of the things you will want to fix your pUcc in ship-hpe and then come In and let us give you an estimate. BAKER LUMBER COMPANY. DELTA and OASIS $' A A TO LOS ANGELES W AND RETURN Every Day to September 30th. LAST EXCURSION Tickets on sale at all Utah points. Write for Information and California Literature. 2Dbv Vy sTV T. C. PECK, G. P. A, Los Angelee. Cat. V !J J. H. MANDERFIELD, A. C. P. A. Salt Lake City, Ut. VjSj!, y CITY TICKET OFFICE 10 EAST 3RD SOUTH ST. NU SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Delta Livery, T T , Feed and Sale stable ! university I have fird-clats rigs t" I lfor for hire for hire with Ul J LCll 1 or without drivers WKJfJS'VMBWBSSSM Baled Haj acd Grain for Sale Sa!l Uke G u,ah A. B. WARD, DliLTA tlnsm.rtlon bm. Monday. 8P- tfmtwr l&!h. lltfKlstration of students and rn- - - trsnre examinations, Thursday, I rYlday. Hatiirday, HeptPiiiofr Cosli Drug Store !A minion d(,,Uni. worth of r 14 An-DriM grounds, building and eiil- M.HU-rtSU. Infnt fcfld ,hl bMf ,,.,, lnat I f j ran bt curd are AT YOI'H rurc Drugs skkvkk. - and . I. Courses sre offrrfd that r- Mj . pare for almost any vocation in CQICIACS addition to Riving a broad and liticral eJijf sllon. FlnC Soi3pS nd Toilet Uh Catalog, m h! h di scrlbMi Artlrlnc various ronrnt-i snd xivrs ti.i. J(e r(.gutratlon arid tuition fws. Magazines ''t,', ' M'nt fr ' U,on r,,f1- Dainty Stationery . . Choice Confectionery University 01 Utah Ci.ra. Ice Cream and Salt Uke Gty, Utab Summer Drinks L. HINCKLEY, UTAH i " Delta State Bank The Hnickleyl DELTA. UTAH Farmers Union Commercial and US,r.irFr iUuce. ; Savings Accounts ImptovnJ.ndUnimpiovfdUnd F.rm Fnf Inwruice on a fttuall c Mini is ion. ith u anUhintr )ou hat for i r- in L '.L r L' ai an.l tid a boyt-r. rrank lieckwith, Laihiei If ,1011 ut t l"i ln rii or land I call r i it V C rKTKUhOV. H.vr.U.rr ' "V" ll.,M-k. t th V,,T " in Muaty and thesa I some. |