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Show LEAVE OUT THE SUPERFLUOUS i Some Truth In Assertion That Present Pres-ent Generation Considers Tee Many "Wants" as "Needs." A woman who bas been observing people and things baa come to the conclusion that the expense of living today la largely due to Individual Indulgence. In-dulgence. People want so much more than they formerly did, or at any rats. If they wanted It before they often did without It. for eipe-j diency's sake; but now. she says, tdj want and to have go hand In hand without regard for expediency. Thl woman say a: "My Idea of the widespread wide-spread complaint of the high coat of living la that people are not temper-ale temper-ale In supplying their three principal wants, namely: food, clothing and shelter. Borne people cut down on food and shelter and spend an over abundance on clothing. Others Indulge In-dulge themselves In rich foods that are absolutely unnecessary. 8U11 j otben like to live In faahionabla quarten and neglect their food and ahelter. A person to be happy mutt preserve a balance In all things. OSS must be temperate with regard to food, clothing and shelter. Live In a respectable but not" ottra'fasnTo'nHn neighborhood; wear standard clothes, not the latest Paris fashions; eat good, substantial food, not rich, tasty delicacies that cater only to the pal- j ate. la my parting advice." I |