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Show $20.00 to $40.00 Saved on Sewing Machines We are making a very low price on these two sewing maehlnea for a short time. The Aviator The Free 4 00 You will save from 120.00 to 140.00 over agents' prices b buying now. These are not cheap machines, but high grade, durable aewlng maehlnea. A Good Bargain in a Good Gas Range Price cut nearly In two. A handsome three burner Gasolene Range. You can keep the kitchen cool and do all your cooking with thia range. Regular price 125.00. Now only 114.00 We have just received the largeat aeeortment of fall outinga we have ever carried. Call and make your purohase for fall now. PRATT BROS, "'g . We wish to thank our patrons for the onerous on-erous trade we have enjoyed since opening open-ing our Store in West Delta. Uy continuing our policy of low prices and first class goods we nope to merit a continuance contin-uance of their generous Trade. Special Price on Sugar This Week ECCLES CO-OPERATIVE MERCANTILE west INSTITUTION de-lta CHANGE OF BUSINESS" I have purchased the Blake Grocery and Confectionery business and have replenished the stock with a complete line of Confectionery, Canned Goods, Groceries, etc. Ice Cream and Summer Drinks. PURE AND FRESH Get your lunches here. Everything dean, new and fresh. ARTHUR PEDERSEN Hinckley, Utah Our West Side Store ! Is now open and stocked with a complet line of Grocer, ies, Canned Goods, Flour and other staple goods. SAVE A TRIP TO TOWN by getting your goods from ua. If you have to go to Delta stop in and see our stock of SPRING DRY GOODS. We carry everything you need. Jenkins Bros. Delta PAINT IN THE FALL For the Following Reasons ' Because the lumber is perfectly dry and the pores open tbe paint has a better chance to dry than in tbe spring. It does not crack or blister, and leaves a smooth surface. The climatic conditions here are especially favorable in the fall. We handle the SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS, the best in the world. Come in and let us show the color cards and explain ex-plain the advantages of this paint over any other on tbe market. OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT. BISHOP & WALLACE CO.. DELTA PRACTICAL COURSES At the AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE rT"T7T";,T1 The College ha re-grouped It practical founM. u imni tha needs of tba thousands V ' rho not w'n uh regular high school work. ) rT- Any person over II year of act lor any I . i person und-r II years whs haa completed ' rars of high achool work) mar enter " ihre practical courses without esamlne I v , Hon, I TI'E TStDME?ITAUi OF ho various partmcnta of Arrlcultura. J Homo Kconomlra. Aartrultural Enatnoorttif, i 4 I I'ommrf, and Mechanic Aria aro taught. ! Ht ufftclMit to rp a poraon for sweraa la llfe'e work. Certificates of- gra4uatioa aro given. - . I . Tn eourees Cf (to Col let e leading to the aree of Bachelor of Science are broad t 1 1 mn I'feersL Titer require high school 'preparation. A IMter addreoeea to Tbo k BiaUklkM. I ' tft" W'U oo aloays welcome from every . r J Vrra EVERT MAN AND WOK- EHr--" Vi B R CrX'BLtC HAM A B1B.TU- EdaBoMf, WOHT or EDUCATION. |