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Show WOMEN WILL TAKE UP ARMS. British Suffragett 8y Refusal of Th Bal.ot Meana Actual War-far War-far Between Sexes. Ixindon. That actual awnare between be-tween the sexes Is not far away was the remarkable prediction made her Sunday by VI rs. Despard or tbe Wo men's Freedom lesgue, win. since th incarceration of Mrs. Kmmelln Pank hurst, Mrs. Pethlck Lawrence. Mn. Marshall and Mrs. Tuke. has assumed tbe distinction of being the most prominent suffragette out of Jail. Mrs. Despard leada a wing of the suffragettes that represents the half ay element between the violent mill tanta and tbe "hopefuls." 'tf man refuses to recognize women wo-men ss bis equal In every ay. war and bloody war at that, must result from this Inequality," declared Mrs Deopart. "Government have been warned, followed by long and humb petitions and men have been b seeched to yield to the j.ist pleas uf th women. |