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Show WANTED. A man to farm 80 acres of land In West Delta. Has been cleared and plowed and partly cropped. Apply at once to Chronicle office for full particulars. par-ticulars. WATER STOCK. For Sale. Forty shares of Melville Irrigation Water Stock and a business lot. See A. MURPHY, Delta. tf. HOME FOR SALE. Good house and lot l." rods square, fenced, well Improved, grannery. R. L. SIM KINS, If. .Delta. FOR SALE. Some strong young Shire horses at reasonable prices. Knqulre of or w rite to SiMF.ON WALKKR, Oak City. i FOR SERVICE. The Clyde stallion owned by the Delta Horse Co. Is for service at C. II. Patton's stable. Delta. tf. THRESHER FOR SALE. A good steam thresher outfit for tale. Heavy engine, capable of pulling several plows. With a little repairs he outfit can be put In good running uder. For terms call on or address I. M. STl'HHORT, Deseret. tf. LAND FOR SALE. Over 2.000 acres of deeded land with water. Part In cultivation Two houses and three artesian wells. Will sell in large or small tracts, for cash or on time. Address J. M STl'HHORT, STl'H-HORT, iN-seret. tf. CONFERENCE. Salt Lake, April S-S-7. Kxcursion rates via Salt I-ake R yjte. Tickets on sale April Snd to 7th. Inc . rturn limit April l.'ith. CITY LOTS FOR SALE. , The Melville Irritation Company of- . fers for sale all their lots In the Ielta Townslte. They are located In dif ferent parts of the towntie and buy- t ers ran be suited In both price and , location. Information ran be furnished oy any of the directors or KI;.K W. J KFFF.lt Y. 1 Secretary. t |